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For Kittydogstan55

Hoping this one is a lot better then the last one!


           Grian watched as the raindrops went down the sides of the window. He liked the peaceful days like this without having to be hunted down for the tag or played any pranks on. He looked over and smiled at Professer beak in his bird house. He heard his alarm for his messaging go off and sat up from his comforotable spot on the window sill. He walked off to the minecart and turned the alarm off, opening the chest.

     'I'm coming over'     The paper was a bit wet.

            As right on cue Grian, here comes his boyfriend. (platonic) He nearly ran Grian over. He stumbled out of the minecraft, surprisingly out of his suit and into more comfortable clothing. It was unusal for him to wear such clothes. Before Grian could ask any questions the Spoon spoke up.

     "Listen I got soaked and now I don't have any other suits clean!"

     Grian nodded in acknowledgment as he picked the smaller up. He flinched at the sudden movement.


     He walked up to Grian's room and ploped down onto the bed.

     "Your bed is always so soft."     Mumbo stretched out on the bed, still holding the bird in his hands.

     Silence filled the room.

     "So how did you even get wet?"     He let out a small giggle. Mumbo Groaned.

     "I was working on my megabase and it started pouring!"     Grian giggled more as Mumbo set him aside, sitting up to stretch. Grian instantly tackled him off the bed. He liked to wrestle with him because Mumbo always let him win. Instead Mumbo flipped him over onto the bed and Grian let out a huff.     "Let me up!"     He started flailing around but to no avail Mumbo kept him held down. Mumbo chuckled and just laid on his small figure {Aka body}.     "Off!"     He looked at Mumbo with a glare. Mumbo didn't budge but instead kissed his forehead.     "I'm sleepy, leave me be"     Grian heaved a content sigh and relaxed into the softness of his bed.     "So cuddling?"     Mumbo nodded and closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around him.     "I love you shorty"     Grian scoffed.     "I'm not short."     He looked at Mumbo.     "I love you to.."     Mumbo's breathing had become slow and soft. Grian looked over at the window and watched the rain gently tap on the glass. It was calm, Grian became drowsy and tired. This, this barely happened unless he got done with building. Everything was calm and quiet. He enjoyed the silence and the gente taps from the window. Professer beak wasn't squacking, the bells weren't ringing, just complete peace.


Here you go! I hope it was okay, I tried on this one but I think it was shorter,

Have a good day my fellow friends!

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