The Accidental nickname

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     Tango was working on his redstone once again, caught up with the dust. He didn’t mind the dust flying everywhere because he wasn’t really affected by it, even when it got into his eyes.
     Usually when he went to work on massive projects, such as this one he was working on now, he’d be zoned out and not paying attention to anything but the redstone. Most of the responses he gave were short ‘no’s’ ‘sure’ ‘I guess’ or ‘I dunno, maybe’.

     One day Impulse went over to check on Tango to make sure he was eating and sleeping properly and as usual, he wasn’t. Impulse had to pull him away from the redstone so he could take a break.

     “Impy no! I have to finish, I'm almost done!”     Impulse stopped his feet from walking any further, he was taken aback. ‘Impy?’ he thought to himself as Tango tried to get out of his arm.

     “What did you just call me?”     Tango's realization was slow to set in but when he did he looked like a burning torch. He started to burn as well and Impulse quickly set Tango down.
     He couldn’t completely turn to fire but he could get as hot as lava.
     Impulse was grinning while looking at Tango.

     “Well?”     Tango crossed his arms and looked away, as red as can be.
     “I didn’t mean to call you that.”     Impulses smile only grew.
     “Well Mr. Tango, what if I liked it?”     Tango looked back up at him with that stupid grin on his face.
     “Fine. But you better not tell Zed, you know he’ll want a nickname to-”

     Impulse told Zed, how could he not resist? As soon as Zed found out he raced out the door to go find Tango.
     Later that night while they were hanging out Impulse was teasing at Tango for the nickname.

     “But I love it Tangyyy”     Zed couldn’t stop the giggles that came along and went back out. Tango looked annoyed but was clearly embarrassed. His annoyed and embarrassed look looked the same to a lot of people besides Impulse and Kinda Zed?
     Even if he was annoyed, they knew how to make the lava demon happy.

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