Alone pt. 2

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Bdub slowly sat up and looked around his room. He looked around for Keralis but his eyes met with Doc's.     "O-oh hey Doc"     Doc didn't speak, he just stared at him.     "Do you need something.?"     Bdubs looked away from Doc's eyes, averting his gaze to the floor. His room was a mess. He needed to clean it. He started to get up but was forced back down. Doc had gotten infront of him.     "Calm down Bdubs"     Bdubs had tears in his eyes again.     "Deep breaths"     Bdubs nodded, wiped his eyes, and calmed his breathing.     "Do you want something to eat?"     He shook his head as Doc started to walk to the door.     "To bad, you need to eat something."     Bdubs tried to stop him but he'd already went out the door. Here coe the swarming thoughts again..

'He's not coming back, I bet he doesn't even care about you!'

'Your gonna eat? Fatty.'

     "Your not real.. Doc is my friend and he cares about me, he will come back!"     Everything fell silent as Bdubs pulled his knees close to his chest. Did Doc care about him.? Doc walked up with a bowl of spaghetti. Bdubs shook his head as Doc walked up to him. He sat on the edge of the bed and put the bowl on the side table, pulling Bdubs into a tight hug. Doc wasn't one to hug, especially people, but here he was, hugging Bdubs.     "Can you please eat Bdubs?"     There was a long moment of stillness and silence. Bdubs slowly nodded and looked at the bowl of food. He leaned over and grabbed it, staring into the bowl.     "I didn't poison it, don't worry"     That got a small giggle out of Bdubs. Doc didn't like to admit it but he cared for the short man infront of him.     "Are you sure you want me to eat though?"     Doc nodded and pat his head.     "Sure as far as I can think, now eat Bdubs"     Bdubs groaned.     "Can you at least get out while I eat?"     "Are you gonna dump it into the trashcan?"     Bdubs shook his head. Doc nodded and got up, picking up the small trashcan that was beside the bed, procceding to walk out.


As a week past Bdubs started to feel and get better. He started hanging out more and eating regularly, along with sleeping. Doc started to get used to Grian being around and started to be nicer to him. Bdubs pulled at least two of his friends away from their projects to have fun, which none of them fought against. Yes, Bdubs still heard the voices, but they weren't as loud and frequent. His friends helped drown them out.

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