Respawn pt 2

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(Starting to get my motivation back! :D)


(No ones pov)

Oh no.

Oh no no no..

Xisuma had died.


He was kicking and screaming that it hurt. It hurt, it always hurt but why was it so bad now? His own family had to hold him down before it got any worse. He had blood all over his face, was it his fault? He was only trying to protect his brother..


     A few people rushed into X's room and quickly went by his side. Keralis, Etho, Cub, and Doc. They were the only ones who had ever seen his face without his helmet on. Keralis carefully slid his helmet off and looked at the other three beside him. Everyone was a bit surprised to see he wasn't screaming at all yet, he was at peace, for a moment at least.

     He started screaming like a mad man and they had to all hold him down. Cub quickly messaged the server to stay away from X's base while they handle something. Everyone saw that X had died so they technically knew what was happening. They took off his helmet so he could breathe better while he screamed. Keralis pulled him up so he could sit and quickly wrapped his arms around him.

     "Swish whammy it's okay! You're here with us, no one can't hurt you anymore!"

     Xisuma fell quiet and leaned into Keralis. Cub hugged them as well and both Doc and Etho backed up a bit to give them space. Both Doc and Etho never liked people touching their skin. Etho sometimes a loud it when Bdubs was hyper and trying to show him something new he made.

     X opened his eyes and looked around, he felt weak. He never felt weak when respawning.


     X turned his head a bit to look at Cub.

     "When was the last time you went home?"


Short yet again but i think ima make 2 or 3 more parts for this!

I hope you like them :]

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