Respawn pt 4

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     "I had to send him to the void.. I-i didn't want to but he was gonna destroy everything Mum.."

     "What do you mean destroy.?" Her tone was scared

     "The people I watch over.." He shook his head, disappointed in himself.

     "Don't you think it's time to get him out.?" She smiled at him

     X nodded but didn't say a word. It was like that for the rest of the night. His mother gave him some soup to help with his headache but then she left him alone to rest.

     He didn't want to be reminded of what he had done to his own brother. He had to do it, no one else had Admin on the server besides Cub but he passed out from an impact. The whole area was destroyed by the fire he had caused, it burnt down buildings and trees all around. He had to hurt him and wound him. He had to send him to the void. The area of punishment, but did he really deserve the skin ripping, fire burning, knife slitting pain?

     A week passed and Xisuma was packing up to go home. It's been three years since he's banned his brother. His mother walked into his room and hugged him tightly from behind.

     "Xisuma?" He looked down at her.

     "Promise me you'll get your brother out safely" X smiled at her and slipped his helmet on.

     "I promise mum, and when I get him out, we'll come visit sometime" She smiled at him and patted his arm. Soon he went back home.

     Once he got home he went straight to his room to try and access the portal. He put all his things up and opened the code of the server. Unlucky for him 4 people went through the door and into his room. Keralis, Cub, Doc, and Wels. Cub rushed up to him and tried to pull him away from the code. X went further into the code and became transparent where he couldn't be grabbed while typing through the code.

     After an hour of them trying to get X to stop, a portal opened up beside X. Xisuma quickly looked inside and slowly became fully visible. He looked around for him but couldn't see him. Keralis let out a frustrated noise (A rare thing for Keralis to do) and grabbed a rope from his chest.

     "Swish Wammy!"          X looked at him and smiled behind his mask as Keralis threw him one of the ends of the rope. "You better be quick!" Xisuma nodded and quickly and securely tied it around his ankle.

     Xisuma stepped into the void and held his breath, looking around quickly. He saw a red glint of armor in the distance and pushed himself through the heavy weight of the void. He reached the lifeless looking body and pulled him to himself and gently tugged on the rope to be pulled back. Doc helped Keralis pull the twins back into the server.

     There was a clank into the ground and X quickly threw his helmet onto the bed. Wels slowly sat down beside him and rubbed his back to try and calm him.

                  (Xisuma's pov)

     He was dead.? He was so pale.. I didn't notice the tears streaming down my face until Wels sat beside him. He was dead, he was actually dead. It was my fault.. How was I gonna tell Mum.? Doc and Cub stepped back as he twitched.

     "Xanthis.?"      My voice was shaky.

     He groaned and slowly tried to sit up but couldn't sit up much. I burst into tears and hugged him tightly.

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