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(This will be my last one shot since Ima take a lil break for a bit, i'll be back soon hopefully!)

     Impulse, Bdubs, and Tango were once again blowing things up. It was their job after all but there were a variety of risks that came with it, such as; Loss of hearing, broken bones, burnt skin, and so on. Tango being the daredevil he usually is, he would occasionally fly into the Tnt right before it exploded. He got lectured multiple times by Xisuma and Impulse but he continued to do it nethertheless. Oh boy will he regret being stubborn.

     It was time for Team Boomers again to blow things up. Impulse got the sand, Bdubs picked the spot, and Tango set up the redstone canons. Bdubs sat aside, watching Tango test the canons.

     After a short while they were already ready with Tnt and the redstone. As soon as everything was loaded in they were ready to start firing. And off they went.

     After a few hours it was almost time to stop the machine. Tango, being the so-called 'daredevil' he is, jumped right into the Tnt with his elytra. Before he knew it a Tnt landed right on his upper back and forced him to fall into the ground. He got pushed further into the ground and blacked out with a ringing sound in both of his ears. He could hear faint shouts but couldn't comprehend what or who they were.

     Impulse quickly shut the machine off and flew down to where Tango had dropped.

     "TANGO!"       Impulse quickly spotted his body and ran towards him. Bdubs quickly flew down beside him and took out his communicator.

     "I-i'm getting Xisuma.."        Bdubs then flew off and used an unholy amount of rockets at once.

     Impulse carefully pulled Tango into his lap and checked over his body. He still had a pulse and he was breathing calmly. Impulse sighed with relief and waited for Xisuma and Bdubs.

     Before Impulse knew it Zed, Bdubs, Xisuma, and Jevin flew down beside them both. Bdubs had to hold Zed back just in case Tango was injured anywhere. Xisuma knelt down and carefully picked the blonde up from the jagged ground they were previously blowing up.

     "I'm surprised he isn't dead"       Jevin piped in from behind them all. Zed thrashed around in Bdubs arms, trying to get to Jevin. Zed was worried sick, he was motherly to Tango when things like this happened. This was no excuse. Impulse ended up having to hold onto Zed. Xisuma had disappeared with Tango without any noise.

      It had been a few days since the incident and Zed was pacing back and forth like a mother and her kid in the hospital, but Tango was still asleep in his bed. He didn't have any physical injuries, that's what Xisuma told them at least. When Xisuma had even left the room his face had a sour look on it, only Jevin saw because he was the only one that followed him in the meantime. The only two people left by Tangos room were Zed and Impulse. They went inside and Impulse knelt down beside the bed with Zed carefully easing himself into the blankets with Tango.

     "Zed be careful."       Zed slowed his pace with moving around Tango and he carefully got in between his arms. Tango slowly wrapped his arms around the small torso he was given. Tango never liked to admit it but he loved to cuddle anything small, or big. Zed was relieved to know he was okay, Zed thought Impulse was sure to lecture him.

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