Prank gone wrong.

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Everything might not be accrate

This is based off a Roleplay me and my Lover


Grian waved at Scar, indicating a 'cya later', then flew off. He was going to work on one of his prodjects with Iskall. They both pranked each other a lot. Little did the smaller know, Iskall had planned a trap that he had forgot completely about. Grian decided to take all his materials, including his communicater and pickaxe. Your supposed to keep your communicater on you at all times in case an emergency. Before Grian even knew it he was dropped down into a deep hole. He got up as soon as he landed on the bottom of the hole. He started to scream for help but no help came. His sounds were silenced by the stone that had been pushed back in place. He was trapped. He couldn't get help either, he had put down everything into a shulker box.


Iskall soon flew by and looked around. He waited for about 30 minutes but Grian never came. He decided to go back to his base thinking of where the smaller hermit could have gone.


A week had passed with the little Hermit who had gone missing. Xisuma decided to call a meeting at Spawn.

     "As you guys know"     He started.     "Grian has gone missing. Do any of you know where he was last seen?"

False spoke up.     "Last I've seen him he was flying towards Scar's base"

Majority of the people looked at Scar.

Scar spoke.     "We hanged out for a bit then he said he had to go work on his castle with Iskall if I'm remembering correctly.."

Everyone then looked at Iskall.

Iskall shook his head.     "He never showed up to do the project, he just kinda vanished"

Xisuma nodded, taking note of it.

He spoke again.     "Ren and Bdub, go look around Scar's base, Mumbo, Impulse, and False go look around where False saw him, Iskall and Scar go look around the castle, Joel, Doc, and Etho go look near the shopping district, Keralis, Tango, and Cleo go look near his base." 

Everyone nodded and started running(Flying for others who had an elytra) to where they were supposed to look.

Iskall thought this was a prank from the shorter since they pranked each other all the time.

     "I'm pretty sure he's just pranking us again."

Scar looked at him.

     "He's done this same prank before"

Scar shook his head.

     "He swore he wouldn't do this type of stuff again and if I know my bestfriend he keeps a promise.."


Scar had a solemn expression as they looked around. Iskall suddenly stopped walking and froze in place, causing Scar to bump into him.

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