A hateful relationship part 2

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     A purple hue appeared from around the corner. He didn't recognize what it even was. He hadn't seen a lit portal in so long.. It took so long for that damn cut to heal. What his own fucking blood brother had done to him.

     Soon enough he heard the faint taps of footsteps. He looked around for any sort of weapon but just couldn't find one. He closed his eyes and just laid back against the tiled floor. When was the last time he slept.? He could hear faint screaming but everything faded by the time the person had reached him.

     Hels jerked up, breathing heavily. He clutched the blankets he had been placed in.

     A bed.? How did he get into a bed.? He didn't feel dirty or grimey anymore from all the dust and coal particles in the Nether. He wasn't in the Nether anymore.. He felt so cold..

     He knew he needed to get up but couldn't bring himself out of the warm bed. Everything began to get blurry again then he heard the door open up with a single click. He was huddled up in the blankets and didn't dare move a muscle.

     "Hels.? Buddy.?"      The voice sounded so familiar but he couldn't quite name it.

     "Wels, he needs rest."      The other demanded.

     "But Xisuma..-"      He pleaded.

      "No Wels. He needs rest, the quicker he heals, the faster you can see him awake again. Now go please, I have to re-bandage the wound."      And with that footsteps could be heard walking away.

     "I know you're awake. Sit up."      Hels struggled to sit up but managed to anyway. Xisuma managed to pull him into a hug.

     "I know you're most likely pissed at Wels but he didn't want to do anything to you, he's been grieving over you for an entire year. I had to go out and get rare resources just so I could remake that portal."          Hels tried to speak but it only came out as an inaudible whisper.

     "Don't try to speak, I need to rebandage your wound anyway, after I can give you something to eat yeah?"          And with that, Hels nodded.

     After Hels ate, Wels rushed into the room, idmemtianly getting right beside Hels. He hugged him tightly and burst out in tears. Hels didn't know what to do besides hug back. It had been a long while since he had to comfort his brother.

     During the time, Wels would just mutter    'I'm sorry..'    or    'I didn't mean to..'.    Hels would just stay silent, carefully rubbing his brothers back.

   'You can't catch me!'      They ran around the Netherfortress where their father had worked. They giggled with hoglins directing their attention to them. The boys didn't notice and continued to play. Wels almost ran off the edge by an inch.

     They ran up and down the halls of the fortress, being careful to not bump into anyone. Wels, being clumsy, bumped into a hoglin and got him pissed.

     The hoglin grabbed him roughly from off the ground and walked over to a pool of lava. Wels was thrashing around, trying to get loose. Hels ran off back into the fortress and for the first time, Wels felt abandoned.

     The hoglin slowly, painfully put him into the lava. Wels started to scream from the pain. It hurt, his own brother left him in pain. He was quickly pulled out of the lava with a taller figure, his vision was blurry but he could hear his brother's voice. His whole body burned.. It hurt.

     Wels let out cries of pain as the tall man rushed into the overworld for medical treatment. Hels disappeared for a few years after that until they were both 17. Hels told Wels he had stayed in the Nether and trained so when he came back he could protect his brother. And protect him he did from that point forward, or at least he tried his best. He never wanted his brother hurt or to have any scars in fact at all!

     But he had to pay the price. He had been left for a year by his own brother, they often fought but not bad enough to actually hurt one another in such a way that Wels had. But Hels had forgiven him the second he had been stabbed, thrown into the nether, abandoned. Even though he hurt Hels they were still brothers and they wanted to protect each other. Even if it was from themselves.


747 words :>

My hand hurts-

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