Evil Hermits

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Request for: @Flower47Tania

Here you go! I think I did it a little different from the original idea you had, sorry about that but i hope you like it! :D



     Everyone knew about Evil X but not expecting him to be Xisuma's brother. They only knew about Welsknight and Helsknight being brothers yet they never even got to see either of them (Ex and Helsknight). It was like they had their own world of hermitcraft. After Xisuma's and Ex's last fight Ex was hardly seen, and that leads up to here now. Five of the hermits passed out and tied to a chair, in a box not to mention. Ex and Helsknight stood in the doorway watching them all, muttering to each other. Hels hand bandages all over his chest and was slumped against the wall whilst standing. The other opposite Hermits were outside, waiting for an explanation.

     Badtimes, True, Npg, robot Grian, and some sort of Mumbo copy was standing by each of the regular Hermits signed bedrooms. This was a private server so how did they get through here? True peeked into Falses room and saw her sitting up quickly. True stayed at the door, instructed to not go towards False. Her feet soon wandered over to False and stared at her with the hologram eyes she had. False tried to slash her sword through the strange looking person in front of her but she simply didn't have it in her sheath anymore, but still swung by instinct. False hit her but her hand went through True. False tried her best not to show any fear.

     "Are you okay.?"      True's voice was quiet, not seeming bothered at all by the hand that passed through her body. False examined her for a quick second then nodded, seeing as True didn't have any weapons or anything to hurt her with.

     True had short brown hair like stress and a hologram graph for eyes. Her clothes were all sorts of colors, none seeming to match the other but they all seemed to match because of the brightness of them. She wore shorts that had small square patches in them, they were bright blue and yellow patches as well. She held her hand out.

     "People can only touch my skin when I comply with it. Everyone here I'm comfortable with so they can, that's why I always get picked up, I'm almost the size of you y'know, maybe an inch shorter than you"      She smiled at False as she nodded again. True took her hair out of the pony tail it was in and False watched. True's hair was similar to her own.

     True leaned over and opened a chest of water and potions. She sat up and held out a water and health potion.

     "Here drink this, it should help with your headache"        She giggled and False took the two bottles they had been held out for her. False started to calm down and sighed before drinking the sticky pink potion. Health potions were like medinche but were way more disgusting, it did the job though.

     "Can I play with your hair?"      She had a wide grin on her face as False nodded. True got situated behind False and started to brush her hair. False smiled a bit and calmed down even more than before.

     Scar opened his eyes and made a panicked noise once he saw someone standing over him. He had a stone dead face and was standing like a statue. Scar could feel his forgotten anxiety start to spike up. He forgot how bad it was to feel like this. The person above him must have noticed because he sat down beside him, softening his face to where it wasn't so stern. Scar ended up scooting back harshly, almost falling onto the floor before the guy grabbed Scar's arm.

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