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Just a lil heads up, I won't be adding a lot of hermits since this is a big chapter to write, but i hope you like it!

Smol note: I will be adding a part two of all their backstories and how they were found (This is a maybe and i might skip part two to work on another thing or take a break)


(3rd person)




                   The storm was heavy against the ship. Everyone panicked but the captain and his helper, Keralis. Keralis Believed he could save his crew. Keralis helped round everyone up to the sides of the boat and hold onto something with a firm grip, a few had to get help from others (Stress, Gem, Pearl, Bdubs, Tango, and Zedaph) All the girls held onto each other to make sure one didn't get blown away from the strong wind and Zed and Tango held on with the help of Impulse. Bdubs was sliding around the deck with multiple people trying to catch him. He almost went off the edge before Etho and Doc caught his arms.

     Xisuma began to panic as well, having a hard time trying to find land but he still kept his calm, still trying with the hope and determination he had to save his friends and family.





(If I get this right then it's where Grian has multiple personalities and can go out of his body to be their own person)

           Grian sat up from the bed and noticed the ship wasn't swaying back and forth, it was almost still. He got up from the bed and went up the stairs to the deck. He didn't see anyone so he assumed they all went back into his body to rest as well, that's usually when he woke up anyway. He looked around and saw a small island in the distance with what looked like an abandoned ship.

       As he got closer to it he could see the island was huge. He carefully stopped near the bank and slid down a rope to look around. He clambered up a built-in ladder, on the side of the ship, and saw that multiple people were passed out on its deck. He stepped over a few of the girls that were laid close together. He knelt down beside Stress and gently picked up her hand to feel for a pulse. Luckily she had one. He walked to another group of people, Doc, Etho, and Bdubs, and felt Bdubs pulse. He had one as well so he carefully scooted over to Doc. He had one too, he looked scary and tall. He got up and walked over to the steering wheel and saw three people on the ground, X, Keralis, and Cub. A wolf-like character was passed out on the stairs as well, he could tell because his chest was rising and falling. He walked over to three more people. Impulse, Tango, and Zedaph. Tango was pale, hopefully he wasn't sick.. That wouldn't be good at all, not in the slightest. He didn't feel like everyone was in him so he looked around in the bottom deck to find one of him down there.

          "Aria-griande!"           (Sorry if i didn't spell it right :,>) (Lil note for this one's pronouns i'll use they/she since technically their kinda a girl but mixed with Grian-)

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