¹before it started

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half of the school feared y/n

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half of the school feared y/n. not only because of her psychotic mindset, but also... 

yeah. it's because of her odd mindset. she was a weird person.

you'd expect her to be bullied because of it, to be an outcast, however that wasn't the case. she was oddly strong, both physically and mentally. every time someone would try to harass her, maybe by throwing rude remarks or trying to assault her, she would easily defend herself. she was able to retort back remarks that would make the person back away or try to beat her up, however, if it leads to the latter option, she was able to defend herself from those bullies, throwing her own punches. 

its what made the other half of the school respect her. maybe if she just kept her mouth shut about the zombie shows she'd watch becoming real or any of her psycho shit, she would've been one of the most respected and awed girl of the school. she had the looks, grades, and even skill. the only thing she didn't have was the right social mindset.

hence why people only showed their admiration for her from a far. some of those who wanted to be her friend sadly weren't able to do so, due to being creeped out by her sick tendencies, and those who would have a crush on her just admired her from a far, never really being able to tell the girl themselves.

y/n didn't care about any of this though. she only needed herself, and maybe a few friends, which thankfully, she had. jang wu-jin owned the title of being her closest friend, having known each other due to the boy's older sister. ha-ri was actually friends with the girl first, since that one training session where y/n was wandering the school, and had watched the older girl training in awe. 

ha-ri may have found it odd at first, but simply waved it off when the girl was praising her like a child. it was adorable, that she was even tempted to teach the younger girl how to shoot arrows accurately herself. ha-ri introduced y/n to wu-jin, and thankfully, they got along well. eh, partially.

right now, the h/c haired girl was sitting down on her seat next to nam-ra, one ear covering the noises of reality as music boomed through it. her feet moving up and down to the beat as y/n's head looked outside the window.

the girl ignored the commotion happening between her classmates, simply not caring about it as she found the clouds outside more fascinating. then, their teacher came in. 

miss park was definitely y/n's most favoured teacher. she was a chill person, and would even treat y/n as if she was her friend. said-teacher glanced over her class, before greeting them with a smile. "hi everyone."

the class returned her greeting, answering with a simple chorused "hello" to her, as they anticipated the next words to exit her mouth.

miss park kept the smile on her face, "time to hand in your phones."

bummed out slightly, everyone stood up, placing their phones onto the box. y/n stand up, placing her spare phone that she had, keeping her actual one at the pocket inside her jacket. she hummed, smiling at her teacher who returned the smile with one of her own. 

sitting back down, she continued looking outside the window, forgetting to cover her ear with her hair. 

"who's in touch with hyeon-ju?" their teacher asked. no one in the room replied. "nobody? so none of you had tried calling out to her today?"

someone cleared their throat, "we cleaned the science lab together yesterday, but i haven't seen her since."

miss park sighed. "okay, if anyone hears from her some time in the next few days, let me know."

the class nodded, "okay."

y/n looked at the two boys in front of her, watching as her friend wu-jin was pointing something out inside dae-su's desk. "hey your phone-"

"exams are nearing," ms park started, bringing out her own phone, "so you guys better not fool around."

a chime was then heard, causing everyone to turn their head to them. y/n looked at the source, which was from either the two boys in front of her. dae-su completely twisted the upper hald of his body to look at the two girls behind him.

y/n waved at him with a smile, whereas her seatmate continued looking down at her work. wu-jin hit the boys arm, signaling him to hand in her phone. 

"i heard that." miss park announced. "i'm gonna ask one more time, please hand in your phones."

hesitantly, two students stood up, dae-su and y/n identified the other girl as i-sak. 

"on-jo, this is your phone from last year," miss park brought up a phone, pointing it towards said girl. "take it." the teacher then turned her head towards y/n. "y/n." the girl turned her head towards her teacher, who pointed at her ear. "airpods. i can see it, put it away."

y/n mentally hissed, keeping an innocent smile on her face. she then covered her ear with her hair, now concealed from her teacher's view. "what airpods?"

dont be a silent reader guys, feel free to comment what u want tooo

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dont be a silent reader guys, feel free to comment what u want tooo

dont be a silent reader guys, feel free to comment what u want tooo

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