⁴i told you so

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"does anyone have a phone?"

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"does anyone have a phone?"

y/n was still spacing out, staring out the window as she just observed everyone get chased and eaten.

"wait, y/n!" said-girl snapped out of her thoughts, looking at the voice who called her. "you still have your phone with you, right?"

she blinked at him, hand shooting to her pocket and feeling the object there. "yeah."

wu-jin bonked the girl on the head for wasting their time on searching through people's desks, when she had one on her this whole time. she handed her phone unlocked to wu-jin, who then handed it to cheong-san.

cheong-san dialled 112, conversing to the call operator. "hello. what's your emergency?"

"hello? this is hyosan high school, a bunch of zombies showed up at lunch and they're eating people." cheon-san stated.

a small huff left y/n's lips, catching wu-jin's attention. "what is it?"

"they're not gonna believe him. they'll think it's some sort of prank." she answered, and as much as wu-jin wanted to deny it, she was wright.

the group of students inside the classroom were startled upon the sudden entrance of a staff member, coach kang

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the group of students inside the classroom were startled upon the sudden entrance of a staff member, coach kang. it was silent, the students watching the teacher as he stood in the corner. "are you guys alright?

they all nodded. gyeong-su walked up closer to him. "what about you? you weren't bitten?"

he smiled fakely. "no, of course not. i'm all good. hey guys, let's all block the door first."

the students listened, grabbing the desks and chairs as they began to barricade the doors with it. as y/n walked past the teacher, a chair being dragged behind her, she could feel a liquid substance graze her hand. she looked at it, then back to the teacher's hand which just touch her. 

her eyes stared at the bite mark on his wrist, tapping the closest person next to her, which happened to be i-sak. i-sak looked at her in confusion, following where y/n was pointing at before her eyes widened, then telling on-jo.

"coach kang. your arm." on-jo pointed out.

"what are you doing? help us!" he yelled at the three girls. 

"you have a bite mark on your arm!" she yelled out, causing everyone to freeze and stare at his arm.

suspense filled the room, watching as the teacher began to hide his wrist and deny of the accusations. "no, no... i- i wasn't bitten!"

an argument occurred between the teacher and the other two girls, y/n slowly parting from their conversation as she backed away from them. 

his nose then started bleeding, catching his attention. he brought his hand up to his nose, on-jo taking this as an opportunity to hit him in the head with a bag.

he snapped his head around to on-jo, stepping towards her with his hand raised. "you fucking bitch-"

he was suddenly slammed against the wall, falling onto the floor. everyone in the room stared at the person who kicked him, y/n standing there with an apathetic expression on her face. "what? he was going to hurt her."

she then felt a hand grab her ankle, catching her attention. coach kang looked mutated, like one of the zombies, and had his mouth open towards her ankle. her classmates yelled out her name to warn her, as y/n used her other foot to stop on the mans head, lifting the leg that was grabbed by the man, and throwing him off her. 

she felt someone grab her arms protectively, seeing wu-jin holding her. she looked back at coach kang, who began to bend oddly, his bones cracking loudly. he then sat up, crawling over to one of their classmates – min-ji – and biting her on the face. 

dae-su was the one to act, grabbing the man's body and throwing him against the shelves. however, coach kang just got back up and began to run after the others. as he was now occupied with su-hyeok, y/n grabbed wu-jin's arm and directed him towards the blocked door near them. "help me remove the desks."

as coach kang was now pinned against the wall with a desk, the desks blocking the door was now gone. na-yeon was the first one out of the room, shoving y/n out of the way. 

y/n merely rolled her eyes at her, before telling everyone that the doors open and that they should leave. however, whilst everyone was leaving the room, y/n remembered something.

"y/n!? what are you doing? let's go!" su-hyeok yelled, running towards the girl to grab her hand.

"ya, ya wait! i need to get something from my bag!" she yelled, running towards her chair that had her bag hung on the back, and grabbing it before running out of the room with su-hyeok.

as everyone successfully got out of the room, they all began running through the hall to find another safe place. though, luck wasn't on their side at that time as they were met with more zombies, causing them to back up.

su-hyeok, knowing how to fight, was able to run to the front and fight the zombies by himself. y/n pouted at this, also wanting to have some fun. she slipped past them, now behind the zombies before yelling out, "uwaaa, you guys stink. ya! come after me!"

this caught the attention of the zombies fighting su-hyeok, now looking at the girl. excitement bubbled inside the her, watching as the zombies snarled and thrashed as they quickly made their way towards her.

 excitement bubbled inside the her, watching as the zombies snarled and thrashed as they quickly made their way towards her

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