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y/n's body folded over the railing, as she continued to stare at gwi-nam's limp body at the bottom

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y/n's body folded over the railing, as she continued to stare at gwi-nam's limp body at the bottom. though, this didn't last long as her knees had both buckled, the girl falling onto her knees. 

she let out a sharp hiss, feeling the strong racking pain at her left leg. as she tried to clutch it with her left hand, but found it hard as it began to emit a throbbing ache around her wrist area, as well as not being able to function it.

"well shit." y/n muttered, realising the her wrist was broken, and her left leg was limp. everyone else were getting up, aiding each other after the fight that just occurred. y/n was trying to lift herself up by her arms, struggling to do so, until she felt someone help her up from behind. 

she turned her head around, seeing nam-ra help her up. she lifted her up easily, helping her stand on her feet. this did not last long, since as soon as she had stood on her feet, she instantly began to wobble and could have fallen back if it weren't for nam-ra assisting her by the waist.

"thank you..." y/n stated softly, looking up from the floor to her face. y/n's arm was around nam-ra's shoulders, as the girl had helped her walked back towards the fire pit. she set her down, extending the wounded leg to give her a view of it. everyone else still hadn't taken notice of the two, until they all turned back towards the fire pit.

"holy shit-" dae-su muttered, feeling wu-jin slip away from his help towards the girl. wu-jin dropped down to his knees beside the girl, panicking. he scanned over it at first, before ripping a long piece from his shirt, and using that as a cloth to stop the bleeding. 

"y/n, how are you feeling right now? on a scale of one to ten- no wait fuck that, your leg is bleeding the fuck out- i don't think you would be feeling fine right now-"

"wu-jin." you called out to him, but he continued with trying to stop the blood from coming out, as well as rambling. 

"-i don't even know how we're going to bandage this up, we have no materials! this will fucking get infected- y/n i swear once i see gwi-nam again, i will murder him and stab him-"

"wu-jin." you called out again, but his rambles only pursued further.

"-fucking shit- why is there so much blood?! oh fuck now you might actually turn into a zombie since you have zombie blood on your skin, and you now a have an even wider wound..." wu-jin was practically crying at this point, as his fears about the girl began to cloud his mind.

y/n exhaled softly at the boy, letting him speak his mind. she then looked over to the others, who were all looking at her worriedly. she smiled at them, shaking her head as if saying she was alright. they were not convinced. 

wu-jin then stopped his rambles, helplessly trying to clean the blood off of her. she looked at him, smiling. "are you alright wu-jin? you took quite a throw earlier." she then turned her head to everyone else. "in fact you all took some sort of hit. are guys injured badly?"

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