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once the explosion had finished, the first thing wu-jin had done was stand up, and immediately run back down towards the construction building

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once the explosion had finished, the first thing wu-jin had done was stand up, and immediately run back down towards the construction building.

where was y/n? she should've managed to reach them before the explosion happened, yet she wasn't. as he ran through the forest, he kept his eyes and ears open in case the girl was somewhere around him, and a stop would be put to his worrying.

however, she wasn't. he couldn't hear her voice, couldn't see her figure, he just couldn't see her.

so, as he continued to ignore the voices of his sister and friends behind him, he continued running. running towards the place where his love was last seen.

finally making it to the back to the construction site, he ran towards the building entrance through the back. though, as he was about to enter through the back door, he froze, as something in the corner of his eye caught his attention.

frozen in his spot, he slowly turned his head to the left, eyes widening in horror as they laid on two bloody bodies piled on top of each other. as if on instant, he ran towards it. the body on top had its whole backside burnt black.

"that's not y/n..." he muttered to himself, identifying the body physique of the person. it was a more larger structure than y/n's, there shoulders broad and torso larger.

kicking the body off, his irises widened even more as he realised it was gwi-nam. the boy looked dead. like actually dead. his eyes were dull, cuts everywhere on him, blood soaking his body.

then, his eyes landed on the body below the boy.

that's when he felt his demeanor shatter.

falling down onto his knees, he couldn't help but let the tears stream down even more. there, laid the love of his life, lifeless.

"no, no, no, no..." he whispered, eyes frantically scanning her figure. she was covered in cuts, bruises, burns and blood patches all over her figure.

his hands found its way to her body, shaking it gently.

"ya... y/n... wake up..." he murmured, still denying the fact that she was anything but alive right now. however, as seconds passed, fear rose within him as the girl still wouldn't wake up. sniffling, he shook the girl harder.

"wu-jin..." ha-ri called out to her brother in a sympathetic tone, water framing her eyes.

"you promised!" he cried. "you said you would stay alive! so wake up! please!"

ha-ri, cheong-san, on-jo, su-hyeok, and nam-ra all watched the boy sob, as tears ran down their own faces. how could they not? when their own friend was on the floor looking lifeless, why wouldn't they? the girl was someone precious to them, so crying was a reasonable reaction right now.

wu-jin's hands brought its way towards her shoulders, engulfing them so he could bring her body towards his. he cried onto her shoulder, as he lifted her body into a hug, not wanting to let her go.

"please y/n... wake up, i didn't get to-" he sobbed, hand holding the back of her head. "-i didn't get to– you said. you said you'd make it out alive! that we'll make it to the camp site together! alive!"

"mmm, we will..." he heard a voice mumble. "just give me five minutes..."

his cry's suddenly stopped, eyes wide. did he hear the right? was he hearing things?

carefully, he moved the girl's face away from him, looking at her face to make sure he wasn't hearing things. and he wasn't.

there, the girl had her eyes closed - peacefully - as if she had been asleep. her head moved to the side slightly, as if trying to stretch her neck.

"y/n?" he asked softly, awaiting a response from the girl. with a small hum leaving her mouth, an exasperated sigh of relief left his mouth, body relaxing. "fucking hell woman..."

"i'on kno why you were crying jin..." she stated hazily, eyes still closed. "i told you i'd live..."

"yes but if you saw what i did, you would've thought you were dead too!!" the boy exclaimed.

the girl opened her eyes slightly. "do i look that dead?"


"oh." the girl muttered, blinking. she then shut her eyes again. "okay. the explosion happened let me go to sleep now."

"you can take your sleep once we get to the camp site y/n." a voice spoke from behind wu-jin. walking towards them, ha-ri knelt down behind her brother, looking at the girl. "we're so close. just one more step then we would all be at peace."

still with her eyes closed, the girl pouted. then, realising that she'd rather not receive ha-ri's wrath anytime soon, she opened her eyes again. "fine."

wu-jin then brought her in for a tight hug, not letting her go whatsoever. "i am never ever, letting you go. never again."

a small smile formed itself on y/n's face. "i'm not going anywhere jin. i don't plan to."

"alright. i'm the only single person here it kinda hurts." ha-ri started, standing up onto her own feet as she looked away from her brother and sister-like-figure, only for her eyes to land on the two couples that stood behind her. she then darted her eyes away from them, beginning to walk towards the gate. "i am surrounded by couples."

"you're alright, right?" wu-jin asked one more time, eyes looking directly into y/n's.

she nodded. "yeah, i am. are you?"

"now that i know you're alive," he sighed, smiling at her. "i am."

smiling back, the girl sat up, making a move to stand up. however, as she tried to move her legs, she had suddenly come to a realisation.

"uh, wu-jin? i think my legs aren't working."


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