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y/n pouted, hugging her bag as she listened to on-jo apologise to her and na-yeon throw a tantrum

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y/n pouted, hugging her bag as she listened to on-jo apologise to her and na-yeon throw a tantrum.

"i'm so sorry i lost your phone, y/n..." on-jo apologise, looking at her.

whereas na-yeon on the other hand... "how could you lose the phone! how are we supposed to call emergency now?!"

y/n simply patted on-jo's arm, saying that it was alright. na-yeon continued to show her annoyance and anger, then getting into an argument with gyeong-su. y/n paid no mind to them, finding it useless that they were fighting in the midst of this. 

she glanced over at everyone else, placing the straps of her bag over her shoulders, before helping out place the chairs against the doors and windows. she then felt a tug on her sleeve.

"are you alright? you didn't get hurt?" wu-jin asked worriedly, hands on her shoulders as he checked her face and body for any major injuries. y/n shook her head. 

that's when wu-jin let go,  smacking her on the head vigorously, causing the girl to cower and place her hands over her head as a shield, multiple "ow's" leaving her mouth. 

"dumb, dumb, dumb! do you know how dangerous it is with that stunt you pulled in the hallway! you could've easily been bitten by a zombie and then-"

"ne??? is this wu-jin getting mad at me because he cares for me???" y/n asked, her head tilting to side with a grin on her face.

the boy froze, pink dusting his cheeks as he turned his head to the side. "no..."

"ja! you do!!!" y/n yelled, hugging him. she then placed her hands on his shoulder, stretching them so she was an arm length away from him. "don't worry!! i don't plan on dying anytime soon!! and the plan worked, did it not-"

"you better not die..." she was interrupted by the sound of wu-jin sighing. "cause god knows that if you fucking do, i'll be sad." 

y/n just looked at him, not knowing what to say next. majority of her life, she's been alone, not really having a person to care for her, nor have a person to rely on. her mother died when y/n was at a young age, and all her father did was work and unintentionally neglect her. he even thought that by giving her a daily allowance, they would be fine. she had relatives, an uncle that actually looked after her, but he still had his own family to tend for.

honestly, y/n didn't care that much. she was either wandering around, at the dojo that she trained at, her backyard to throw knives, or at school. and even then, she hadn't made a friend to care about endlessly. she was comforted by her hobbies, finding ease in them as it distracted her from the realities of life. 

though, that changed when she met ha-ri, and then wu-jin.

"oi! lovebirds! help us out and quit staring at each other!" dae-su yelled at the two, snapping them from their thoughts. 

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