¹³are they coming?

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"stupid su-hyeok

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"stupid su-hyeok..." y/n mumbled, her eyes closing as she snuggled onto on-jo's side. "said he'd let me use him as a pillow again, but what's he doing now? taking a fucking piss."

on-jo laughed at the girl's words, her arms wrapped around y/n's shoulder. "well, would you rather take up dae-su's option and use the window as a toilet?"

y/n stayed quiet, wrapping her arms around on-jo's form. "shush. let me sleep."

on-jo just laughed light heartedly at her, smiling down at her figure. "are you sure you don't need to pee or such? we have a makeshift toilet now."

y/n shook her head. "no. dae-su took a shit and now it stunk up the whole room." she took a small sniff. "i can even smell it from here."

the two were sitting on top of the desk against the shelf, the one beside the window. they sat next to each other, y/n's head was placed on on-jo's shoulder, her arms around her waist as hugged her like a teddy bear.

as much as y/n would love to sleep right now, she can't. the smell of dae-su's shit was filling her senses and it was disturbing her. so, she just closed her eyes, resting them as she listened to the conversation around her. 

(no offense to dae-su tho, i love him but this scene was funny)

"no one's coming here to save us." nam-ra started, looking at joon-yeong as he was staring out the window. "there are no lights on in the stores or apartments out there. they all ran away or died."

"what do you mean by that?" the girl beside y/n asked.

"no one's coming here to save us." nam-ra crossed her arms.

"why do you have to be pessimistic?" joon-yeong asked.

"you know my mom right? she would've torn the school apart to find me. but she isn't here yet."

"what do you suggest we do then?" ji-min asked, looking at nam-ra.

she shrugged, "i was just pointing out facts."

"we know that no one is going to come and get us. so i think that we have to figure out what we're going to do next." ji-min explained.

"we have to wait until we're rescued. we can't leave somewhere safe to go somewhere dangerous." on-jo stated.

this made y/n anxious though. the thing is, her father, he worked for the government. and by government, the military. her father was one of the higher ups, hence why he was gone almost all the time. sure, this would put y/n as one of the most prioritised people to be saved - just because she was the daughter of one of the heads in the military - but she also knew how they worked.

there was a low chance of them being saved so easily, the only way of a chopper coming is if someone requested them to come here, or another thing. they wouldn't think so quickly to go to a place where the whole apocalypse may have started. they would simply think that everyone was dead.

so it would either take a while for them to arrive, or just simply, never.

whilst she was thinking in her thoughts, the others were all talking about what they should be doing next, whether rescuers would actually try and help them. they all had just thought that they would try again tomorrow, hoping that a helicopter would come and save them.

 they all had just thought that they would try again tomorrow, hoping that a helicopter would come and save them

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y/n was the first one up, simply staring out into the window as the sun began to rise. the orange rays reflected onto her skin, the dawn sky laying itself upon the girl. her school blazer, along with her green sweater had been removed, simply sitting on the table beside her. the bow sitting on her neck was long gone, the buttons on her white long sleeve completely undone, shirt untucked as the black cropped tank underneath was exposed.

(so kinda like juuzou's top when he was fighitng the one-eye ghoul sisters)

her sleeves were scrunched up to her elbows, her bare forearms resting on the windowsill as she looked down to the field full of zombies. she then felt a presence next to her, seeing cheong-san standing there with a troubled look on his face.

"good morning cheong-san." y/n softly stated, smiling at the boy next to her.

cheong-san returned the smile as he looked at her, then turning his head back to the field. "morning y/n."

"you seem troubled, are you alright?" she asked him, now looking down at the ground.

"has no one come to rescue us yet?" he asked.

she shook her head. "no, there's no one but zombies out there. helicopters have been going around for a while now, but none has come to our school."

cheong-san mentally deflated, his hands holding onto the window frame. "do you think they're going to come anytime soon?"

y/n didn't say respond to his question, not wanting to answer it. she tapped cheong-san on the shoulder. "ne, ne, cheong-san hold me."

the boy furrowed a brow. "what?" however, his eyes widened at what she meant, his hands hugging her waist. a light tint coated his cheeks at the contact, as he had never really held a girl like this before, and because of the thin clothing the stood in between his hands and her skin.

y/n leaned forward, like wayyy too far forward, and if it weren't for cheong-san, she probably would've fallen already. she looked down, looking at other windows below her, then to the windows above her.

"what are you doing?!" cheong-san whisper-yelled, seeing as people were still asleep.

"looking to see if there are other people still here." she answered plainly, still looking out the window.

"how is leaning forward going to help?!" he whisper-yelled again.

"it gives me an advantage to see inside the rooms." she answered. "besides, it's morning and there are helicopters outside. if anyone is inside one of these rooms, they'd be looking out of it like me, well maybe not like how i'm doing it. besides, i'm hungry, and i wanna find a vacant room and see whether there's food in it."

cheong-san sighed, still not letting go of the girl. "you're insane, y/n..."


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