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the two girls were now outside of the supply room, as the others cautiously peaked out through a small gap

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the two girls were now outside of the supply room, as the others cautiously peaked out through a small gap. y/n was somewhat radiating with energy, whereas nam-ra was neutral.

she had the two guns crossed over each other on her back, as she held a metal bat on her hand - nam-ra holding the same. y/n was the one to take the first steps, as she began to walk towards a zombie. 

she stood in front of it, a smile on her face as she stared at the zombie in the eye. she then began to wave her hand in front of its face. "yaaaaa~" she waved her hand in front of the zombie's face, only for it to nudge its head forward, snarling in the air as they blindly followed the sound. y/n pouted as the zombie had not looked at her. "do you honestly not see me?"

nam-ra's eyes widened as the girl suddenly bashed the zombie by the top of its head, watching as the girl's sheer strength exceedingly smashed the zombie down, blood splattering anywhere. she then continued to hit the zombie. she then jumped up, and landing with a loud crack on the zombies skull. 

her eyes then looked at the expression on y/n's face, watching as she could slowly see a particular look on her face. one of blood-lust. y/n then snapped her head up, a wide-eyed grin on her face as she watched the zombies running towards her spot. 

she started banging her metal bat on the floor, as loud noises rang inside the hall. though the zombies may not have noticed the girl's physical appearance, they could surely hear the loud noises she was creating. zombies ran towards her, snarling loudly in the process, only to crash against each other as they tried to figure what or who was creating the noise.

"try not to hate me too much, okay?!!" the girl yelled, slashing her bat at the zombies, knocking them to the floor. she was already strong before she turned into whatever she is now, but her turning seemed to have enhance her strength by a quarter.  because of this, the zombies looked more deformed, as if there was a physical dent on their bodies, more blood clashing out.

she laughed here and there, letting the zombies come after the sound of her voice, though not really attacking her as her presence was not there. nam-ra watched her wide eyed, not even moving from her spot. she could hear the door behind her creak open quietly.

wu-jin, ha-ri, mi-jin all watched the girl, with the same expression nam-ra had. "holy..."

"is that normal?" mi-jin asked, "as in for her?"

wu-jin shook his head. although he had already seen her in action during this apocalypse (and whilst she was a quarbie), he had not seen this side of her. the sight he was seeing was too... new. he loved the girl a lot, but he could probably never get used to her and excitement for fighting. the sight he laid eyes currently was bizarre, and he was scared. not of her (kinda), but what would happen to her if she went out of control.

blood was pretty much everywhere at this point, pooling the floor beneath her. large, crimson spots splashed onto her clothing, especially soaking her head. it dripped down her face, substantial sizes of blood trickling down. (i imagine levi with his face covered in blood, just not the expression)

"she's kinda scary..." mi-jin commented, her eyes focused on the girl's swift movements, as she thrashed the zombies left and right. "it's hot."

"i don't even need to look outside to know that's y/n having fun..." dae-su mumbled, shuddering at the sound of her freakishly maniacal laughs intensifying. the others nodded at his words, not denying it.

nam-ra didn't really know how to help at this point, watching as y/n seemed to have this all covered. i mean, the zombies here were either limp on the floor, or still trying to find y/n. so she turned back around to the door, seeing the others already looking out. "hurry. the zombies are distracted by her, so we should take advantage of this."

the three people looking out snapped out of their thoughts, beginning to get everything settled. once they were ready, they brought out their shield thingy carefully and as quietly as they could.

once they had successfully taken it out, they had made their way towards the back door. though, the plan of trying to stay quiet had failed, as the metal crates had creaked loudly - loud enough to catch any available zombies' attention. nam-ra had taken care of these (though not all), as she hit her bat against the zombies.

seeing as there were only a bit, they had somewhat made it to the door with little struggle. so opening a the circular shield, they tried to get the door open, which was the hard part. "guys! it's locked!"

by now, more zombies had heard of the noises they were making, leaving y/n alone as they could actually sense their presences. there weren't a lot left, but not that little to where the others wouldn't struggle heavily. 

"aw, why'd you guys leave me!?" y/n pouted, dragging the tip of her bat against the floor, a trail of blood drawing against the surface.

"uh, y/n, nam-ra, a little help?!" joon-yeong exclaimed from inside the barrier, using his hockey stick to whack the zombies away.

"we need one of you to open the door! it's locked!" on-jo yelled out, as dae-su tried to get the door open. 

nam-ra grunted, as she threw two zombies away, preventing them from climbing over. "we can't! these zombies are blocking us!"

"do i still not have permission to use the guns?!" y/n exclaimed, her bat meeting the zombies heads.

"you have a knife, y/n! use that!" ha-ri reminded her. y/n blinked for a couple seconds, completely forgetting the fact that she had a knife with her the whole time.

"a knife?" she thought, before realising. "oh right! my knife!" she let her bat clang to the floor, as she pulled the knife from her waist belt. he knife then made contact with the zombies, searing it right at the napes of the zombies. her weapon cut deep, that if she pushed it any further, it would've cut their heads off. 

her slashing the zombies heads didn't last long, as the sound of the back door opening reached her ears. she didn't stop though, she simply continued stabbing the zombies that were trying to reach inside the circle barrier.

that was, until she felt the back of collar being pulled, dragged towards the other side of the barrier, and she was suddenly now outside. 


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