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after making their way up the stairs without any zombies in sight, the group had finally reached the roof top

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after making their way up the stairs without any zombies in sight, the group had finally reached the roof top. y/n was at the back of the group, standing at the stairs as she held her knife in her hand, on look out for the zombies.

from below the others, she could hear them say that it was locked. multiple bangs, thuds, and harsh knocking could be heard. she then looked back to the middle of the stairs, seeing the zombies a few staircases below making their way up.

"you guys may want to hurry if you don't want to come face to face with more zombies!" she told the others above. su-hyeok and cheong-san then rushed down beside her, standing on either side of her, whilst the other guys were trying to get the door open.

"they're coming..." nam-ra muttered. this caused the others to look down the middle as well, watching a large swarm of zombies make their way up, like an ocean or corpses flooding the opposite way.

"ne, ne, cheong-san, su-hyeok. stay behind me for a while, yeah? i wanna take the first batch of zombies." y/n stated, her eyes wide with blood-thirst.

"no way. we can help you-"

"no." she stated firmly in a commanding tone. "i'm taking the first batch. just watch, yeah?"

the two boys gulped, nodding as they took a few steps back. everyone else watched as the psychopath-like girl stood still, simply waiting for the zombies to arrive. fear waved over them, as the girl had let out an aura that you did not want to be in. the aura of one who wants to kill many. human or not.

and then the sound of growling was heard.

it all happened in a flash. y/n had immediately started taking out her diy knife/dart weapons and throwing them directly at their heads. the others' eyes had widened, as it felt like if they would blink, it would all end.

"how is she doing that so fast..." hyo-ryung asked in awe and shock.

wu-jin could only gulp. "years and years of training..."

they then made the move to start and try opening the door, banging and shoving it multiple times. y/n couldn't help but finally let an insane grin take over her face, her eyes glinting red as blood splattered on her skin.

"uwaa~ we finally have our second round, eh??" she asked the creatures, as if they would respond back. her body moved swiftly, dodging the zombies that would try and get pass her, stabbing the back of their heads after with her larger knife. her figure jumped around lightly, placing her knife back in her waist band and throwing more make-shift knives at their heads as they piled up at the first few steps of the stair case, and like before, it created a corpse-barrier.

however, her face then morphed into one of frustration, noticing the same thing she did before.

"why won't you guys try and notice me!! i'm right in front of you!" she stated, pausing in her steps. she then stood on the step before the pile of zombie, waving her hand before the zombies faces.

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