³i think thats a zombie

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y/n's feet skipped throughout the hallways, the outside world blocked by her music

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y/n's feet skipped throughout the hallways, the outside world blocked by her music. she had no certain destination in mind, just wanting to wander around the school for now.

she then felt a hand place themselves on each side of her shoulders, causing her to stop and turn around. there, she saw wu-jin and gyeong-su panting, as if they were just running. she removed her airpods, placing them back inside its case as she now had people to listen to.

"hi wu-jin, hi gyeong-su. what do you need?" she asked them, a blank smile on her face.

"have you eaten lunch yet?" wu-jin asked, to where the gir just shook her head in response. the boy tched annoyingly. "i told you that you should eat first before wandering around the school. you'll starve!"

she shrugged. "that's okay, i can eat at home after school-"

"no," he stated, grabbing her wrist. "come on, let's go back to the classroom, i have some snacks there i think."

not really minding that he was just dragging her now, she nodded, letting him do what he wanted. y/n turned her head to gyeong-su, who just walked along side them. 

that was when they heard a scream. all three of them turned around to the source, seeing a few students running towards their way whilst screaming. y/n tilted her head to the side to see what they were running from, only to find a guy with a bleeding cheek and neck running towards them, snarling. 

the girl just stood there, blinking. though the two boys beside her were a different story, both of them had started to run, however going back as they realised that y/n wasn't following them. 

both of them grabbed onto her wrist, causing her to run with them. a blank look stayed on the girl's face. "guys, i think that's a zombie."

"zombies aren't real y/n!" gyeong-su yelled out, now leading them up the stairs back to their classroom. 

"oh okay. i think that's dinosaur then." she replied nonchalantly, still facing towards the creature running towards them.

"stop talking y/n and just run!" wu-jin yelled out to the girl. 

once arriving back at their classroom, they all shut the door, gyeong-su holding it to prevent the creatures from coming in. y/n just stood still, before walking towards their window and looking out. there, students were beginning to run panickily as those creatures chased after them. the sound of glass breaking was heard, and as she turned her head around, there were a few students being thrown out.

"hey wu-jin." she called out to the boy, who looked to her. "i'd hate for this to be one of these 'i-told-you-so' moments. but i told you so. a zombie apocalypse did happen. should've taken my advice and done those fighting lessons with me."

"just shut up and let me process what's happening, seong." the boy sighed, sitting on a chair.

despite the screaming outside happening, the small amount of students inside the classroom where mainly startled upon the sudden banging of the door

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despite the screaming outside happening, the small amount of students inside the classroom where mainly startled upon the sudden banging of the door. all of their heads turned towards the door, seeing two of their classmates banging on it.

gyeong-su and wu-jin held it to prevent them from coming in, thinking they were the monsters. na-yeon was yelling not to open the door and to not let them in, until cheong-san opened the window between the hallway and their room, "open it!"

realising they were human, they opened it. "are you okay?" gyeong-su asked, shutting the window and door. "how's the campus? are we dead or what?"

cheong-san just panted, trying to catch his breath as he made his way towards the window, next y/n. "isn't this a sight to see?" 

"y/n... do you think they're-"

"-zombies? of course i do! you've watched train to busan, yes? tell me that the zombies from there look similar to what we're currently seeing at our schoolyard." y/n cut the boy off, a grin slowly growing on her face. "oh this is going to be so exciting!"

cheong-san shook his head, scared for his life yet glad that the girl beside him was enjoying this, kind of. he patted her on the back, whilst y/n turned her head at him with a closed-eye smile. cheong-san returned the smile with a soft one.

another banging on the door was heard, catching both their attention. a large teenager, his face seeming to be covered with white powder.  "ya!"

"who are you?!" wu-jin yelled, not being able to identify him.

"asshole- brother... brother-in-law!" he yelped, tapping the man's shoulder.

wu-jin's eyes widened. "o-oh! come in!" 

once he entered, the two guarding the door immediately shut it again, as the guy who just entered- dae-su, tried to remove the substance on his face. "aishh, holy shit."

"what happened to you?" wu-jin asked, looking back at him as he held the door. 

"i don't know, some jerk decided to spray me with the fire extinguisher."

"a fire extinguisher?" gyeong-su repeated.

"yeah," dae-su nodded. "do you guys know what's happening?"

"train," cheon-san started, walking towards them. "train to busan. zombies, they're the same thing."

y/n smiled at his statement.

"zombies? man, you watch too much tv." dae-su huffed, leaning against the shelves.

"look, come here!" cheong-san grabbed dae-su's hand, directing him to the window. wu-jin followed, standing next to y/n. gyeong-su was going to follow, but was reminded to keep the door locked. 

wu-jin placed a hand on y/n's shoulder as he peered down onto the ground, along with the other three. then, a hand came out of nowhere and banged on the window, alarming the four. "it's bare-su!" 

they opened the window, helping the man in. y/n peered back down, seeing nam-ra there. her eyes widened, realising that the girl was still near the first few steps of the ladder. "nam-ra, if you don't hurry up, you might turn into a zombie's lunch!"

at this, nam-ra began to climb up the ladder, y/n already having her arm out for the girl. the guy's had also started helping the girl in, luckily making it in time as a zombie had knocked the ladder down.

as nam-ra was inside, y/n moved her head out the window, looking down on the ground. however, she was the pulled by the back of her collar, meeting someone's chest. "idiot, don't peer your head out like that!"

y/n paid no attention to her friend's statement, looking at su-hyeok who fell onto the floor upon entering. "it's that, isn't it? zombies."

y/n's previous smile grew wider. "i told you so."

"shut up with your creepy shit, you freak!" na-yeon yelled out towards y/n, to which the girl just looked at her with blank eyes, before shrugging.

"i'm not wrong though, just pointing out the obvious." y/n shrugged, before looking at wu-jin. "you think we'd be able to go down to the kitchen and grab knives? it'd be useful!"

 "you think we'd be able to go down to the kitchen and grab knives? it'd be useful!"

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