⁴²the top floor

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as soon as the couple few zombies had dropped dead before the window, y/n had hopped inside the building

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as soon as the couple few zombies had dropped dead before the window, y/n had hopped inside the building. 

she could hear the many footsteps making its way up the stairs, somewhat causing her excitement to rush throughout her body. so, with one last call towards her friends, she began to fire more. "remember to stay quiet and be fast!!"

she shot the couple few zombies that began to enter through the door, kicking them aside to leave room for the others. she began to run up the stairs, gun shots firing as she did so. the concept of finally going ballistic made her laugh. i mean, will she actually lose her mind during this?

there was no point in answering that question, since we already know what it is. i mean, who laughs at nothing? who just shoots their classmate in their head? who just find killing zombies fun? surely not a sane person...

but, like the many times she's stated this before, she doesn't care. 

she liked doing what she wanted to, and no one's going to stop her from doing so.

running up the stairs, a lunatic-like laugh left her mouth continuously, bullets firing as zombies followed close behind her. "you guys can hear that, yeah?? goodie! the only other thing you need to do is find out where it's coming from~!"

so as she made her way to the top floor of the building, she made sure that all zombies inside the building were making its way to her as well. she wasn't firing the gun the whole time, obviously, she wanted to save that for the main course, however, she was laughing the whole time. and seeing as the stairs were narrow, her voice echoed throughout the place.

"aah!! hurry! come and get me~!" she squealed, thrill scouring throughout her body. she shouldn't be this excited honestly, she knew that these zombies can't reach her or anything, yet it still made her excited.

as she was now on the top floor, she placed the rifles on her back again, grabbing the piled of metal rods on the floor. albeit the fact that they were really long, she was going to use them. if she threw them fast enough, it'll be just like her knives.

"these zombies can be my target practices!" she exclaimed, hugging the large pile. placing them on top of the pile of concrete bricks beside her, she held one in her hand. gripping it in a specific type of a way, she narrowed her eyes at a zombie's head. "now if you just stand still..." she mumbled, getting ready to throw the metal stick. "and... now!"

she then launched the item from her hand, spinning as if it was an arrow and piercing the zombie's head directly. her mouth opened wide in a smile, arms going up in victory.

"bullseye!" watching as that zombie fell onto the floor, she grabbed a couple more rods, using them as throwing knives, well, throwing sticks. thanks to her enhanced strength, these rods felt light on her hand, making it easier for her to throw.

she continued throwing these rods, up until she finished them all. once she did, her eyes scanned the room. there were still a whole lot of zombies. pushing through them, she walked towards outside in the open again. standing right before the ledge, she put her hands in her pockets, watching the commotion happening near the school.

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