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they've managed to get down the stairs without much trouble

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they've managed to get down the stairs without much trouble. the zombies were pretty much distracted, and couldn't sense the group as they travelled.

there were occasions where they had almost bumped into a zombie (it didn't really notice them, all they had to do was carefully walk around it), and if it weren't for dae-su holding her, the girl would've gotten out of control and started stabbing the zombies.

how couldn't she? it was the same knife the she went berserk with earlier. and she was going down the staircases that situated her place of berserkness. the temptation was there, and y/n was somewhat sad that zombies couldn't sense her anymore. the same thrill she felt earlier would be gone, as the fight would be one sided.

maybe she could find a bunch of gwi-nam's, and have them all attack her. that would be more fun. and dangerous.

dae-su and y/n were at the back of the group, handling from behind as cheong-san and on-jo directed them. currently, they were at the front door of the school, crouched down on the floor behind the small concrete hinge/wall.

they were all waiting for the next instruction, as they all couldn't manage to expose themselves. "go along the wall." su-hyeok whispered to the two.

they nodded, dae-su still keeping a hold on the girl's wrist incase she might do something else. then they all had quietly gotten up, going along the wall over the side garden, following cheong-san's rushed lead.

the wind thrashed against them, harshly blowing against the trees, plants, and even the other zombies around them. the rain thrashed against them hard and fast, as it immediately soaked their clothing. the first contact that it made with their skin caused them discomfort, due to the fast pace it went by.

thunder clapped every few seconds as the rain continued. y/n could see nam-ra covering her ears, which only lead her to wonder how enhance the other girl's hearing is. y/n was affected sure, but it the pain had managed to decrease to a bearable one. it kind of just annoyed her now.

they then made it to a point behind a truck, and y/n could feel dae-su move a bit faster. he then looked back at the girl, as well as cheong-san who he crouched beside to. "I'll go first."

"wait dae-su--" but no debate could be made as the man had crouched even lower, crawling underneath the truck. wu-jin followed behind, grabbing a metal pole and crawling underneath beside dae-su.

cheong-san helped them out, though he had managed to see what was at the other side of the truck. y/n watched as the boy slowly stand up to his full height, his expression in disbelief, and sadness.

she then peeked above the truck, looking at what he was looking at. she didn't really understand what was happening, on why cheong-san seemed so shock seeing the zombie.

she was about to go and join the two boys, until she felt a hand grab her wrist. there, she saw on-jo looking at her, a pleading expression on her face. "please, don't. that's cheong-san's mom."

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