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y/n and cheong-san were now inside the music room, the two huffing as they tried to catch their breaths

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y/n and cheong-san were now inside the music room, the two huffing as they tried to catch their breaths. as they were about to relax, they heard sudden noises coming from the other end of the room.

cheong-san was cautious enough to grab a chair and walk towards the source of noise slowly, whereas y/n just seemed to not care and walked towards it normally.

a zombie was underneath the piano, snarling and trying to go towards the girl, it's feet probably hitting the keys. cheong-san came up behind her, sighing upon the fact that the zombie was contained, somewhat. the two were focused upon looking at the creature on the floor, that they didn't notice a small drone flying outside the window.

y/n walked away from the scene, walking towards a chair. she then began to strip herself of her jackets, the boy with her freezing and turning around, flustered upon the sight of her skin exposed. "what are you doing!? put your clothes back on!!"

y/n furrowed a brow. "what are you on about? i'm wearing a tank top underneath, it's alright."

slowly, yet hesitantly, cheong-san turned around, looking at the girl's face. she was right, allowing him to sigh in relief that the girl didn't just start to undress herself to her bra.

"ya, cheong-san, can you like, tie me up to something. like strong enough to hold me from trying to run at you and bite you." she asked, well, told him.

"why? did something happen to you?" he asked, concerned.

"eh..." she let out, "i got like a massive cut on my hand a bit of zombie blood got on it. so i might turn into one."

cheong-san's eyes widened. normally, if he heard someone say something like that, he'd try to back away from them. but for y/n, he just couldn't.

carefully, he walked towards her. y/n was confused upon this. "why are you walking towards me? i just told you i might turn into a zombie?"

cheong-san shook his head, placing his hands on her bare shoulders as she looked into her eyes. "no. your not. i'm not believing that until i actually see you turn with my own eyes." he stated shakily, denying the fact. "besides, if you were turning, you would've shown symptoms already... like your nose bleeding, or your skin really pale, or-"

"but what if i am? i don't want to put you in danger..." the girl stated, a frown gracing her face.

"your not, okay?" cheong-san stated softly, bringing the girl towards his chest, hugging her. "you'll be fine, i promise."

her emotions did a full 180. just then, she was so happy, excited, full of energy as she killed those zombies. but now, as reality hit her, she was agitated. she didn't want to turn into a zombie. she didn't want to leave this world yet. she didn't want to leave her friends...

"cheong-san?" she called out, her head beside his as her arms laid limp onto her side, slowly moving up to clutch onto the boy's top. "if i do turn into a zombie, tell wu-jin i'm sorry, yeah? and tell hi-"

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