¹⁹another jacket

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after hearing the words of their friends from the speakers, all y/n could say was, "they're idiots

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after hearing the words of their friends from the speakers, all y/n could say was, "they're idiots."

cheong-san looked at her, silently agreeing as he nodded.

"they shouldn't be leaving that safe room. I thought we were the ones who were supposed to go to them?" y/n asked, to no one in particular but herself. "oh well. might as well help them out i guess."

cheong-san's eyes widened, stopping the girl's walking figure. "ya-ya, what do you mean by that?"

she turned her head, looking over her shoulder to grin at him lazily. "by getting rid of the zombies in the hallway, of course!"

the boy stumbled, running towards the girl and grabbing her wrist. "are you out of your mind!? you're injured and your saying your going to go out there and kill more zombies?!"

she just stared at him nonchalantly, not finding the purpose of what he was talking about. "what's your point?"

he made a frustrated noise, grumbling. "your staying here y/n. i'm not letting you go out this room."

"but i want to help them-"

just as she was going to continue her sentence, music began to play from the speakers, catching both their attention. the two looked at the speaker in the room, then to the window towards the hallway as zombies began to run past their room, running towards the speaker at the end of the hall. 

"awww, but i wanted to play with them more!" y/n pouted slightly, deflating upon realising their plan.

cheong-san changed his view of direction, now looking at the girl. he looked around the room, trying to find something for her to do. "okay, how about you make some more of that throwing knives, like the ones you made earlier. you've already run out of some because of that, uh, whatever you were doing earlier... you'll need more right?"

the girl thought about it first, before smiling simply. "okay!"

cheong-san sighed as he closed his eyes, the girl walking away to gather some materials. he's going to have to applaud wu-jin later for being able to stop the girl from doing something that would get herself killed.

as he watched her happily gather some materials, he noticed how she still hadn't got a jacket or something to cover herself with. 

he glanced over to the bag's at the back of the room, hopefully finding a clean piece of clothing there. as he rummaged through them, he managed to find an oversized varsity jacket. he scanned over it, making sure that it was clean and smelt nice. he then walked over to the girl, draping it over her shoulders.

y/n, he was sitting down at a desk, looked up to the boy, a smile on his face. "wear it. you'll get cold."

the sound of rushed footsteps were heard, followed by the door opening

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the sound of rushed footsteps were heard, followed by the door opening. the girl stood up, hoping that it was their friends finally arriving.

a smile on her face grew as she realised it was their friends, however, before she could utter a word, she was immediately engulfed into a tight hug, the person's arms wrapped around her securely as they placed their head on her shoulder. "fuck. you're alright... you're okay..."

y/n's smile stayed on her face, slowly wrapping her arms over his shoulders. "hi wu-jin."

wu-jin didn't let go of the girl, nor did he respond. he just wanted to hold her, and despite his heart beating so fucking fast right now, he didn't care. he just wanted to hug y/n.

"are you alright? you're not hurt are you?" she asked him softly, returning his embrace. as y/n continued to hold him, she could slowly start to make out the sound of his rapid heart beat.

she felt him shake his head on her shoulder, the boy slowly starting to lift his head up to look at her. as he did, she could see the tears that were in his eyes, slowly rolling down his face.

"why are you crying?-" she asked him, furrowing her brows.

wu-jin quickly shook his head, grabbing her right hand, not yet noticing the other bandaged hand. "we have to get to the roof quickly, before the music ends."

she nodded at this, however, on-jo panicking about su-hyeok's location clouded her ears, turning her head to the girl who just ran out of the room. this resulted in everyone else running after her, including wu-jin who held a tight grip on y/n's hand.

as the girl was being dragged, she turned her head around, eyes widening upon the horde of zombies at the other end of the hallway running towards their direction. she stopped, tugging wu-jin along with her. he looked at her confusedly, before she pointed over the zombies running to them. 

he then yelled out to the others, as well as seeing su-hyeok running to them and telling them to go back to the room. y/n was now dragging wu-jin, opening the door wide for everyone to enter after her. 

as su-hyeok shut the doors, the other immediately ran towards the curtains, shutting them, and then stopping to catch their breaths. 

y/n was standing beside wu-jin, who was leaning his hands on the table in front of him. she rubbed his back, patting it lightly, causing to look at her and smile. 

"we can't..." hyo-ryung panted, "go to the roof? we're trapped again, aren't we?"

"there are zombies out there..." su-hyeok answered her, also out of breath. "so we have to wait and think..."

"what happened to your clothes y/n?" wu-jin asked her, his ragged breath sounding up the queit room. "and why did you smell like sanitiser and alcohol earlier? and- what the hell happened to your hand!?"

y/n's eyes then looked at her bandaged hand. "oh this. hahaha i caught a knife in mid-air! it almost hit cheong-san but i caught it before it could hit him!"

"that doesn't explain why your hand is wrapped up-"

"oh that's because i caught it by the blade."

"you wHAT?!-"

"y/n, aren't these your previous clothes? why are they drenched in blood? plus these red pieces of cloth?-"

"i also played target practice with zombies!" 


"nam-ra, there's zombie there. it's caught underneath the piano so it can't really get you."

"y/n don't tell me you're making more of your throwing knives thingy- where'd you get these large-ass nails from?-"

"y/n don't tell me you went on a spree and started killing a bunch of zo-"


"nam-ra... what happened to your arm? that looks like a bite mark?"

 what happened to your arm? that looks like a bite mark?"

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