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y/n had made eye contact with wu-jin, blinking a few times, and then smiling

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y/n had made eye contact with wu-jin, blinking a few times, and then smiling. she then looked back to the others, the smile still on her face. "wu-jin."

everyone wasn't surprised, however, they couldn't say that they expected that either. y/n had simply answered with a single name, unlike others, who would normally hesitate to answer first as they grew flustered.

y/n's reaction wasn't one they had expected, as she stared at the boy she liked, smiling at him and then simply saying his name. 

"ehhh??? that's it??" hyo-ryung asked. y/n turned her head to them.

she tilted her head at her in confusion. "why? i answered the question honestly, right? was i supposed to say something else?" 

su-hyeok shook his head, smiling dejectedly as this was his way of being rejected by the girl, unknowingly of course. "you... should be protected at all costs y/n..."

"wait, i don't understand- what else was i supposed to say-"

wu-jin on the other hand, was frozen. his cheeks were hot, reaching to the tip of his ears, his eyes were wide, and he was... i guess you could say, malfunctioning. his heart just exploded into billions of other hearts, butterflies roaming around his stomach, as if he was in cloud nine. 

dae-su looked at his best friend, then looking at y/n. he pointed at wu-jin. "uhhhh, y/n? i think you broke him."

y/n then turned her head to the boy next to her. she leaned over to him, waving her hand over his face. "helloooo. wu-jinnnnn. are you thereeeee???"

the boy still hadn't responded, deep within the rainbows and flowers and such within his mind. one of the greatest things about this zombie apocalypse, was that the girl that he's been crushing on for a while now - maybe even love - had accepted, well not really, but had said that she had liked him.

y/n pouted sadly as she received no response from him. "i don't get it. does this mean he doesn't like me in that way?"

everyone's eyes widened, mentally yelling at the boy to get the fuck out of his head. clichély, wu-jin snapped out of his daydreams at that moment, eyes widening and shaking his head. "no! no, i do! i don't not like you back- i mean i do like, like you back! as in like i return your feelings! i definitely don't not like you as more than a friend-"

y/n smiled at him, lovingly. he was currently rambling about how he returned her feelings, and was apologising for dozing off and that he didn't mean to make her think the opposite. her smile then converted to a light laugh, stopping the boy's rambles. 

"huh? why're you laughing? did i say something? is there something on me?" the boy then began to pat his face, his hair, then clothes as if trying to find what was on him. 

y/n shook her head, still laughing. "no, no, it's just that i find that ador-"

she then stopped what she was saying, as she turned her head to where on-jo was, seeing gwi-nam hop onto the roof. she stood up abruptly, as well as nam-ra, who must've seen the same thing she did. this caused everyone else to tyrn their attention on them, as they too stood up.

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