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they were all now outside, trying to catch their breaths after what had just happened

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they were all now outside, trying to catch their breaths after what had just happened. y/n was facing the doorway, trying to process what had just happened. she looked down to her feet, seeing bloody foot prints and a metal chain on the floor. 

she then turned around, seeing nam-ra directly behind her, hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath. nam-ra looked at the girl. 

"nam-raaaa, you didn't let me grab my bat!" y/n whined in a childish tone.

the other girl scoffed. "it's either that or i get you out of there." 

y/n then turned her head to the man that was holding on-jo, the girl crying. she then looked back at nam-ra. "who's that?"

the girl shrugged. "i think-"

"you kids, are you okay?" the man suddenly asked, sniffling as he looked around at everyone. as everyone nodded meekly, his eyes landed on y/n, widening slightly. "holy... you're covered in blood! are you alright?"

"that's just y/n being y/n..." on-jo smiled, looking at his dad. the man looked at his daughter anxiously, then to the girl covered in blood- who was smiling as if it was nothing. his eyes then darted towards the guns on her back, as well as the knife in her hand. 

but before he could question it, cheong-san blocked his vision of her, standing there with a sad and hurt look on his face. the man immediately engulfed him in a hug, the boy hugging him back.

y/n felt a hand on her left shoulder. she looked at it, then to her other side, seeing wu-jin standing there. before she could say or do anything, the boy brought her in to his chest, his other hand placing itself on her back. 

"you..." the boy exhaled, "are going to be the death of me one day."

"you've already told me that." the girl looked up/at him, her chin on his chest/her head pulled back (depending on height), as her eyes blinked.

the male jang simply shook his head, smiling as he placed his lips on her forehead, continuing to hug her. 

"are you guys able to run?" the man - on-jo's dad - asked. everyone had nodded at him. he then turned around, as he pointed at the path that went up. "good. okay, if you go straight through the tennis courts, and pass the construction site, you'll hit the mountain. if you pass the mountain, and get to yangdong-"

y/n's ears perked up at the sound of snarls and growls. she placed her free hand on wu-jin's shoulder, looking behind him. 

"mr. nam!" she heard cheong-san call out, his eyes wide at the incoming zombie. the girl fished out her pocket knife from inside her jacket pocket, opening it and throwing it directly at the corpse's forehead.

she then walked over towards the zombie, despite the protests behind her. she stood over it, watching its eyes rolled back and lifeless. she grabbed the pocket knife. her head then moved up, seeing more zombies in coming. she turned her head around to the others, "ya~ i think we should start running!!"

everyone else began to move towards the sledge, wu-jin grabbing the girl's hand and taking her with him. as they all were running up the slope, y/n's head looked back seeing the zombies running towards them. 

it wasn't long until they made it to the tennis courts. y/n was at the back, making sure that everyone was getting inside safely. she then looked at ha-ri, who had her bow out, eyes widening as the girl was suddenly tackled onto the ground by a zombie. 

her knife stabbed the back of the zombie's scalp, kicking it away by the stomach. helping the girl up, she directed her inside the court. as on-jo's dad began to lock the gate, y/n grabbed a rifle from her back, holding it properly as she aimed it at the zombies. as he was done, she carefully backed up, gun still aimed at the creatures until he began to pull her with him. 

they suddenly stopped upon reaching the middle of the court, horror rising within their eyes as the zombies encircled the area. "we're going to die here..."

y/n's eyes focused on the gate, creaking and shaking profusedly, as if it was going to break down. and it did. the door was broken down, and zombies poured in. everyone began to panic and ready for a fight, but was suddenly shaken up by the sound of multiple gun shots firing.


"it's either this or we all di~e!" the girl yelled out in a sing-song tune, aim perfectly directed at the creatures' forehead. her plan was always the same, create a barrier of zombies so that more won't get past. so she aimed for one spot, directly in front of the door so that it would create a barricade. 

though due to the loud shots, more zombies began to go after them, trying to get through the small gate. 

then out of the corner of her eye, she could see a bright orange flame held in the air, then suddenly thrown at corner of the court. she brought her gun down, looking at on-jo's dad who had just thrown it. 

the zombies began to take notice of this, running right towards it - creating a free space at the back gates. others began to open it, quickly trying to get out of there while they could. y/n felt her shoulder being pulled back, not turning around. she let them direct her, as she maintained focus on the zombies. 

"gun down y/n," she heard ha-ri state, her gun being directed down. "we don't wanna waste your ammo."

y/n nodded. she then looked at the three remaining people inside, watching as on-jo's dad began to blow a whistle, catching the zombies' attention. catching onto his plan, her eyes widened, darting towards on-jo. the girl was trying to get out of cheong-san and su-hyeok's hold, desperately trying to get to her father. 

he then opened another flare, then throwing it across the court. while the zombies were distracted, he opened another one, throwing it across. he then looked back at the three, running towards them and motioning his arm to get out. "run! get out of here! get out!"

they hesitantly obeyed, nervously waiting for him. a zombie ran to him, trying to bite him but failed as he was punched to the floor. as he tried to run back, another one arrived, pushing him to the floor. as he pushed the zombie off, cheong-san came up and helped him up, whilst su-hyeok hit the zombie with his bat. 

"hurry up, get out!" he said once more, pushing the two boys forward. as they got out, mr. nam then shut the gate in front of him, and locking it. 

on-jo immediately ran down in front of him, shaking with fear. "why are you..." her eyes then darted onto his hand.

he was bit.

he was bit

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