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y/n stood next to a sitting-cheong-san, watching as their friends continuously wave their arms towards the parting helicopter

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y/n stood next to a sitting-cheong-san, watching as their friends continuously wave their arms towards the parting helicopter. she watched as it got further, and further.

suddenly, a sudden bang on the door was heard behind her. she turned around, her body facing towards the door as cheong-san had gotten up and back up a bit. then, cheong-san walked forwards, almost pressing his head against the door but y/n had stopped him, grabbing his arm. "don't do that."

he looked at her with a furrowed brow. "huh, why-"

then another bang was made, the door shaking due to the hard punch. cheong-san jumped, startled by the action. "that's why." y/n pulled him away, walking closer towards the door, her mouth near the middle gap. "ya, gwi-nammm~ is that you back there??"

"open the door y/n." the boy stated gruffly. 

her eyes widened in astonishment. "uwaa, that was quick! i didn't expect you to regenerate that fast! tell me, are you functioning properly right now? i mean i did aim for your head--"

another bang was made. "open the door y/n! before i break this down!"

despite her mood sour just then, she grinned. "and then what? you're going to kill cheong-san for taking your eye out?"

"i'll put a knife through your head as well!" he shook the door knobs harshly, receiving an excited reaction from the girl.

"ahh! now this is what i'm looking for!" y/n then turned her head to cheong-san. "do you mind if i open the door? i really want to see him try and put a knife in my head-"

"y/n no!" the others yelled as her hand was nearing the door handle, cheong-san grabbing her waist and and wrapped his arms around them to prevent her from nearing the door.

"awww." she stated somewhat dejectedly. "oh well. guess you'll have to wait for another time gwi-nam!"

"open the door y/n!" the namel half-bie yelled, punching the door hard, leaving an evident punch mark. "open the door!"

y/n winced slightly. "wow, that's gotta hurt. tell me, gwi-nam. is your hand broken right now?"

"fuck you." she heard him say, followed by footsteps walking away. 

she loved riling people up, she didn't know why. just the thought of them getting mad because she provoked them, and then eventually leading to a physical fight, made her excited. it left a note on her brain that someone out there is going to fight her, and she loved fighting. well, not fighting specifically, more like using her skills as she didn't want years of training and boredom to go to waste.

"he's gone." she heard nam-ra say.

"who's gone?" su-hyeok asked, looking at the girl.

"gwi-nam." nam-ra stated. "it's his smell, and i can hear his breathing. they're getting faint, meaning he's leaving."

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