⁸nevermind false alarm!!

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"cheong-san?" y/n muttered, walking towards the window sill

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"cheong-san?" y/n muttered, walking towards the window sill. she looked down to the ground, not seeing her friends body there. she then looked up, seeing the boy holding onto the rope with a zombie hanging off of him. "cheong-san, there's a zombie on your foot!"

"i know that y/n!" the boy yelled back.

y/n shrugged. "okay! then kick it off!"

"don't you think i'm trying?!" he yelled back at her.

y/n watched as he struggled to kick him off, though it really just looked like there was itch in his foot and he can't scratch it. "no."

she then decided to let him do what he needs, just watching him struggle to rid the zombie. she would help him, however she had no clue how to so its best if she didn't meddle. suddenly, a body flew towards the rope, somehow managing to grab cheong-san's waist and hug it.

y/n's eyes widened, half of her body out the window, and if it weren't for wu-jin grabbing her waist she would've flew out. "YA, CHEONG-SAN THERE'S A ZOMBIE ON YOUR WAIST- oh wait no that's su-hyeok. NEVERMIND FALSE ALARM!!"

"su-hyeok?? he's alive?" she heard a voice ask behind her. everyone else then came up behind her, peering slightly out the window to look up.

y/n nodded. "yeah, he's up there. i think he likes cheong-san though, he seems to be hugging him really intimately-"

"that's because he's going to fall if he doesn't, dumbass." wu-jin swatted her head, resulting in y/n rubbing the spot. just as y/n was about to say another word, wu-jin immediately pulled the girl back in, the girl just missing the zombie by her hair.

as soon as the zombie fell down, y/n let out a whistle as she stared out the window, then to wu-jin. she smiled at him. "thanks jang."

"no problem seong." wu-jin sighed, for like the billionth time today because he can't keep up with this zombie shit and y/n's risky bs.

"what's wrong with you!? cheong-san was still out there and you're telling us to shut the window?!" gyeong-su yelled, walking towards na-yeon

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"what's wrong with you!? cheong-san was still out there and you're telling us to shut the window?!" gyeong-su yelled, walking towards na-yeon.

"is it a crime to want the window closed?" na-yeon answered back, looking at gyeong-su as if he was mad.

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