⁴¹killing and shooting

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"we can't go down that way, it drops into basement on that side, and there are exposed steel bars

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"we can't go down that way, it drops into basement on that side, and there are exposed steel bars." mi-jin explained, crouching before them. the two seniors had made it back to them, and had just explained that there's no way for them to jump down. "no way we can jump."

ha-ri hummed, she then looked at the direction she walked through earlier. "that side faces the school, so there's no point in trying it."

"the ground is full of zombies..." mi-jin muttered. "we'll die if we go down."

"there's a door at the first floor that leads directly to the mountains." ha-ri commented. "it's the only way."

"but how? it's full of zombies in there so how do we all go down there without dying?" dae-su asked.

"we shoot them. obviously." y/n spoke up, catching all their attention. she then brought out both the guns, holding it in front of her. "i can use these babies and shoot them all. use it on them and it'll either kill them all of distract them away from yous. problem solved."

"no." ha-ri immediately shut down her idea.

"but ha-ri-"

"you're not going to risk your life out there, y/n."

"hear me out, woman-"

"you already know how dangerous that would be-"

"yes but-"

"we don't want anymore people dying, y/n."

"yes, i understand that, but hear me out-"


a hand was suddenly placed on the older girl's shoulder, causing her to stop. ha-ri turned to the person, seeing mi-jin there. "let's hear her out first, yeah?"

with an unsure look, ha-ri nodded. "fine."

y/n smiled. "thank you. anyways. it's alright if i go down there. and before you start protesting, remember the fact that zombies aren't attracted to me. they can't sense me for shit, so me killing them would be easy. i can direct them to the top floor and start killing them off from there. and then you guys can run into the mountains."

"but what about you?" on-jo asked. "we don't want to leave anyone behind. we told each other that we would all make it to the safe site together. as one group."

"yeah, i feel the same..." joon-yeong agreed with the girl, as others nodded along with.

"i can run." y/n told them. her sight of direction the turned to her friends, smiling softly. "don't worry guys. if anything, i'd be having fun. somewhat. so you don't have to be so sad-"

"can you guys hear that?" nam-ra interrupted the girl, her eyes widened. 

"hear what?" su-hyeok asked.

y/n looked at the girl, trying to hear what she was hearing. her eyes then widened upon what they were saying, suddenly standing. 

"they're saying to take cover." nam-ra announced.

"who is?" all eyes then turned to her.

y/n held a rifle in her hands, holding it securely; her other was on her back

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y/n held a rifle in her hands, holding it securely; her other was on her back.

"we have to go now. before they nuke the place." y/n told them, as she now stood in front of the window. "we need to leave and take cover before they come. we'll die here if we don't."

"they're going to blow up our school..." hyo-ryung mumbled, shocked and scared.

the h/c haired girl then looked at her friends. "i'm going to go. check every now and then if the zombies are gone. i'm going to start now-"

"cheong-san!!!" an enraged voice yelled.

the sound of a metal bat being picked up was heard. "gwi-nam."

"what the fuck?" joon-yeong asked, looking at the window.

"that asshole never fucking dies..." dae-su commented.

a small, wide-eyed smile formed itself on y/n's face. "maybe, this wouldn't be as boring as i thought..."

the plastic sheet that waved before the window was suddenly thrashed away, revealing the boy who was yelling cheong-san's name earlier. "i found you."

and as if it was an action movie, cheong-san immediately ran towards the guy, swinging the bat at him. gwi-nam dodged it, grabbing the back of cheong-san's collar and slamming him against the wall, the boy collapsing on the floor after. gwi-nam hopped out, pressing his feet before cheong-san's chest.

y/n sighed. she honestly hoped for a more enjoyable time whilst shooting those zombies, but if gwi-nam's purpose here is to just kill cheong-san, then she might as well save some time. she aimed the gun up, pointing directly at gwi-nam's head before she fired.

blood splattered before everyone, as the bullet had gone through gwi-nam's head. the loud sound caused a shiver to run through everyones spines, as the boy's body fell limp, falling onto the side and falling to the ground.

wide eyes turned towards the source, seeing y/n with the gun pointed at where gwi-nam was previously standing. the girl then grabbed the other gun from her back, holding a gun each on one hand. she walked towards the window, seeing zombies beginning to run towards it.

her eyes glistened with bloodlust, as a malicious grin began to grow on her face. both hands pointed up, but she didn't shoot. she turned her head towards the others. "remember to check every now and then. and run fast. don't want to explode by that bomb."

"y/n wait-"

but before wu-jin could say what he wanted to, the girl had begun firing.

everyone watched with somewhat terrified expressions, as the girl before them did not look like their friend that was previously just sitting with them. instead, she looked like a sanguineous teenage girl, grinning like a mad man as her finger stayed on the trigger.

 instead, she looked like a sanguineous teenage girl, grinning like a mad man as her finger stayed on the trigger

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