¹²just sad

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"i told you all

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"i told you all. he was infected." na-yeon started.

"well, are you happy now?" dae-su cried, looking at the girl as he wiped his tears. 

"you were all wrong, only i was right." na-yeon stated, looking at everyone. "what would you guys even do without me."

"let's find out, shall we not?" y/n answered, walking towards the girl, unsuccessful as she was held back by wu-jin. the boy's back was against the metal drawer beside the window, holding y/n in a tight hug to prevent her from going anywhere near the na-yeon. he pushed her head to his shoulders, blocking her sight of vision of the girl in the light pink sweater.

"ya." nam-ra called out, looking at na-yeon directly. "maybe you did it."

"what?" the girl called out in disbelief, bluffing as she didn't want the truth to be revealed.

everyone was now looking at nam-ra, who walked in front of the girl wearing pink. "i saw everything."

said girl stood up, eye to eye with nam-ra. "what? what'd you see?"

the class president stared at her with dull yet wide eyes. "you're the one who did it."

"who did what? i didn't do anything to gyeong-su!"

"I didn't say anything about gyeong-su." that got y/n's attention, her head now turned as she peeked from wu-jin' shoulder.

"hey, knock it off." cheong-san told the two, but no avail.

"i didn't do anything." na-yeon repeated.

"while everyone was looking at gyeong-su through the glass, you were in the back alone." nam-ra explained, then pointing towards the broom that was used the stab the zombie on the window earlier. "you wiped your handkerchief with the blood from the stick.

"no, i didn't."

"you wiped that on the scratches of gyeong-su's hand." nam-ra explained further.

wu-jin's embrace on y/n immediately got tighter, as the girl had turned around from him and began trying to walk to na-yeon, stopping after a few seconds. wu-jin's arms never left though.

"i did not."

"it's in your pocket." 

"so what?"

"take it out." nam-ra held her hand out.

na-yeon hit it away. "i said no."

nam-ra taunted. "should i take it out?"

she then went to go grab the cloth from her pocket, only to be prevented by the guilty herself. "who the fuck do you think you are? class president?-"

a hard slap met na-yeon's face, nam-ra's hand making contact with the other girl's face. 

"you never treated me like class president." 

✓ | 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐀𝐂; all of us are deadWhere stories live. Discover now