⁷out the window

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y/n immediately stretched her legs out, pushing i-sak away so that she wouldn't be able to bite her

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y/n immediately stretched her legs out, pushing i-sak away so that she wouldn't be able to bite her. however, i-sak's zombie corpse was desperate to eat something, grabbing y/n's leg and making her way to bite her.

y/n immediately grabbed the cleaning spray that was near the sink, and spraying it onto i-sak's face, surely getting into her eye. i-sak's body began to back away from allowing y/n to stand up and move to a better spot. 

i-sak then changed her course of meal, now going for cheong-san. as the boy was about to grab a stool to whack the zombie, on-jo yelled out the cheong-san's name. i-sak's attention was caught by this, going after on-jo now.

however, just before she was about to reach her, cheong-san pushed the zombie out the window. i-sak hang out there, only a finger or two holding onto the window. and as she was about to fall, on-jo grabbed her arm, holding onto her. cheong-san joined it, however instead of trying to grab i-sak, he was trying to make on-jo let go of the girl. 

y/n could hear on-jo's sobs, crying as her best friend had turned, and probably, never coming back. she watched as na-yeon nudge a chair towards cheong-san's foot, catching his attention as he then used that to try and rid the zombie off of on-jo.

y/n felt a hand pull her shirt sleeve, tugging her away from the scene. she turned around, seeing nam-ra pull her away from the window, her eyes trained at it. nam-ra then looked at y/n, shaking her head before nodding towards the doors. "help hold the tables." she whispered softly.

as everyone else tried to hold the the tables and chairs up, they all tried to hold in their cries for the loss of their friend.

as everyone else tried to hold the the tables and chairs up, they all tried to hold in their cries for the loss of their friend

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"let's go." cheong-san announced, catching everyone's attention. "we're not gonna last here any longer."

"w-where would we go?" wu-jin asked.

"the hose earlier." he answered.

y/n raised a brow, hands occupied as she pushed against the table. she looked at cheong-san, then the window. "the hose? are you saying that we should jump out the window or something?"

she received no answer from him, only a blank look.

y/n's face morphed into a thinking one. "wow. never thought you'd be as sane as me cheong-san."

"but you're not sane." she heard wu-jin mutter.

she looked at the boy with a nonchalant look, an emotionless smile forming on her face. "that's what i mean."

"gyeong-su." cheong-san called out. "open the door a bit for me, enough for me to get the hose."

gyeong-su sighed tiredly. "isn't it better to wait for the rescuers to come and save us?"

"we might all die before they arrive." cheong-san replied. 

gyeong-su's eyes widened at him in disbelief. "this will kill us faster, you mor-"

"is waiting for someone to save us the best thing we can do?" his best friend looked at him.

gyeong-su debated the answer for that question, before walking towards the door. "whatever. if i turn into a zombie... you're so mad..."

y/n watched as cheong-san laid on the floor, trying to grab the hose. she was actually pretty glad that he came up with a plan like this. holding up chairs and tables until rescuers come is pretty boring. hell, she doesn't even know for sure if the rescuers are going to come. 

it took a while for him to actually grab the hose, seeing as he got back up to grab a plastic arm from the supply room. his own arm probably wasn't long enough. once he did manage to reach the hose, with the help of hi-min and gyeong-su, knots were made large enough for a hand and foot to fit in. 

eventually they were done, and now standing next to the window. cheong-san rolled the rope/hose out the window, "i'll go down there first and check for empty rooms. i'll call when it's clear."

he got up on the window sill, and as he was about to go out, he stopped. "hold it."

"what are you doing?" gyeong-su asked him. cheong-san seemed to be looking at something, well someone. "go on, what is it dude?"

he then got back down. "actually gyeong-su, you go first."

y/n slowly removed her hands from whatever she was holding walking towards them. 

"what? did you see something?" gyeong-su asked, looking out the window, then to cheong-san. 

"no. but you go first." cheong-san just stated.

"ooh! can i go first???" y/n asked, walking up behind them.

"eh? you're not going down there first?" cheong-san, gyeong-su and wu-jin all stated simultaneously, looking at the girl bewildered.

"but i wanna go first! if gyeong-su or cheong-san doesn't want to, then i will!" y/m reasoned, pouting slightly. "besides, i'll bring my pocket knife with me!"

"you've had a knife this whole time?!" ji-min asked, her voice slightly raised.

"where'd you get that knife?" cheong-san asked. 

"my bag. now bye-bye! i'll tell yous when there's a clear room! if there isn't then i'll just clear it myself!" y/n exclaimed, getting ready to go out the window. 

slowly yet carefully, the girl stepped onto the looped ropes one by one. 

as soon as she was met by the first window down, zombies immediately took notice of her presence, banging themselves against the window as they tried to reach her. y/n was startled slightly, staring at the zombies dead in the eye.

"next." she simply commented, continuing to step down the rope.

the hose wasn't that long, only reaching down to windows. as soon as her legs neared the end of the rope, she heard the window open. looking down at it, she saw her teacher, miss park.

"y/n!" she exclaimed, opening the window to help the girl in.

"miss park! you're alright!" y/n yelled, feeing her body be brought into an embrace by her teacher.

"miss park! you're alright!" y/n yelled, feeing her body be brought into an embrace by her teacher

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