⁴⁴you die, i die

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"it's not my fault that my legs are paralysed

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"it's not my fault that my legs are paralysed..." the girl huffed, arms wrapping around his neck as she held onto him like a sad panda.

wu-jin scoffed, holding onto her legs securely. "yeah right. who was the one who decided to jump out of a building?"

"it wasn't my choice!!" the girl exclaimed. "blame gwi-nam! he's the one who decided to push me out!!"

"because you blew his brains out." wu-jin retorted back.

"well it was either that or cheong-san dies. i honestly think he either loathes him or is obsessed with him..." the girl mumbled, loud enough for wu-jin to hear. "i mean why else would he try so hard to get his eye?"

"wouldn't you do the same thing if someone takes your eye out?" the boy asked, knowing her persona.

for a couple of seconds, the girl blinked. "well yeahhhh, you're righttttt. but that's only because i like playing games! if i were sane, i would've lead the zombies to cheong-san and let those kill him."

"why are you guys trying to kill me?" said boy asked, accidentally eavesdropping onto their conversation.

she shook her head. "we're not. i'm trying to wonder why gwi-nam would try so hard just to take your eye back and kill you."

cheong-san gave her a somewhat-freaked look. "right, cause that makes me feel better..."

the girl simply smiled back at him with closed eyes, leaning her chin back on wu-jin's shoulder. she was relieved. they were now in the forest and are on the way to the campsite. as much as she didn't trust the adults and government, it was much better than living out here where there's a possibility of her friends dying.

"what the fuck?" she heard mi-jin mutter.

"what's wrong?" hyo-ryung asked.

"shit. i think we're lost." she answered, looking back at her.

"there's no trail?"

"there hasn't been one for the past few minutes." the older girl answered. "i think we've been going in a fucking circle."

"why did we come this way if there was no trail?" dae-su asked.

joon-yeong, who was assisting him, answered. "because if we go the wrong way, it'll lead to hyosan."

as she continued resting on his back, she could feel him move to the left, his left arm losing hold on her leg, tapping it as if signaling her to open her eyes. "look."

squinting her eyes, she could see a small ribbon tied to a branch. "go down to it, i think it's a ribbon."

as ha-ri had heard what she said, the older girl had walked down the hill, everyone following behind her. now standing directly underneath, she reached up to touch it. "someone must've left it here."

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