²hee-su's gone home?

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"hee-su? are you alright?" y/n asked the girl who sat on the row behind her

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"hee-su? are you alright?" y/n asked the girl who sat on the row behind her. 

said girl slowly lifted her head up, nodding tiredly at y/n. though, the girl wasn't convinced. the two weren't the closest, but they were friends, and though she was pretty much messed in the head, she still had a sense to care for her friends.

y/n observed the girl's appearance, noticing how sickly pale she was, how her hair stuck to her forehead, and how her lips trembled slightly. she looked sick, and it somewhat concerned the h/c girl.

she narrowed her eyes at her, before turning back around and raising her hand. miss park took notice of this. "yes y/n?"

"hee-su doesn't feel well. i'm taking her to the nurse's office." she told her teacher, standing up as she lifted her friend onto her feet, not even stopping her.

"o-oh," ms park was surprised by the statement as she expected an answer to the question on the board, but nodded either way. "sure, come back after though."

"will do~!" y/n replied, walking out of the classroom with hee-su's arm around her shoulders.

the walk towards the nurse's office was quiet, y/n humming a soft tune to calm the girl beside her. she could tell that she was somewhat panicked, her breath rising more than usual and groans escaping. 

"don't worry hee, we're almost there." she tried to reassure the girl, smiling at her as hee-su tried give her a smile back.

she opened the door abruptly, alerting the nurse inside. "what's wrong? is she sick?"

y/n helped the girl inside, slowly leading her towards the nurse. "probably. i don't know how bad it is though but it looks pretty bad-"

she was then interrupted by people coming into the room, rushedly. "please help."

"o-oh, alright, hold on." the nurse said, now completely ignoring y/n and hee-su.

whilst the whole commotion between them was now occurring, y/n pouted in disbelief at how they were just shrugged off. "uh, alright then," she then directed hee-su towards the bed at the other side of the curtain. "i'll lay you down here? is that alright?" 


"just lie down and try to breathe, alright? i'll be back, i want to see whether my eyes deceived me or the girl was actually bleeding!" y/n exclaimed in a fascinated tone, going on the other side of the curtain. 

y/n peered over the bodies of her classmate and teacher, her hands interlocked behind her body. the girl on the bed was actually bleeding! blood was pouring from her head, and her eyes were bloodshot. 

she let out a whistle, muttering a small "nasty" as she watched the girl moved abnormally. she tilted her head, watching as the girl acted inhumanely. snarls were escaping her mouth, and her body was stretching weirdly. her limbs were bending oddly, and her head tilted side to side vigorously. y/n hummed. "hm, she actually looks like a zombie."

she listened to the nurse as she said that her temperature was too low, and how miss park was now calling the ambulance. she shrugged her shoulders, walking back towards the other side of the curtain to fill hee-su in, only to see nobody there.

"ehh?? hee-su?" she called out, walking outside to check if the girl is there, but she wasn't. "where'd she go?" she figured that she probably went to go to the office, maybe to let them know to let her go home. she pouted at the fact that hee-su didn't inform her of her disappearance but left it as she wanted to know more the zombie looking girl.

she shoved her hands into the pockets of her school blazer, observing from aside as she listened to the words leaving hyeon-ju's mouth. the science teacher gave her a weird shot, she was too hot, he tried to kill her and she was gonna kill them all.


y/n's eyes widened as she stepped back at the girl's sudden snarl, her mouth wide open as it snapped to her left, hitting on-jo. y/n eyes darted to the girls hand, on-jo holding her wrist, then back to hyeon-ju. she was thrashing around the bed, and her mouth was snapping left and right.

"hold her down, i'm gonna give her a shot." the nurse stated, a needle in her hand. the four - i-sak, on-jo, su-hyeok and miss park then held down sides of the blankets, restricting the girl from making to much movement.

"y/n! don't just stand there, help us out!"  i-sak yelled out. obliging, the girl removed her hands from her pockets and used them to hold hyeon-ju. the injured girl's body then became limp, allowing everyone to to back away from the girl. 

"alright, the ambulance should be on their way... i-sak, y/n go back to class now." miss park intructed, in which the two girls nodded. the two girls were now out in the hallway, making their way back to class.

"oi oi, isak... you don't think hyeon-ju's turned into a zombie now, do you?" y/n asked tauntingly, i-sak just looking at her with a somewhat scared look, before shaking her head.

"no... zombies don't talk- and that's just in movies! they're not real!" the girl denied, uncomfortable at the topic.

y/n shrugged. "the world's an unpredictable mess, you never know~"

i-sak strayed a few steps in front of the girl, somewhat scared by her words. whereas, y/n just walked closer towards the window, looking out of it as she silently observed outside.

upon entering, y/n's eyes directed itself to hee-su's desk, frowning as she realised the girl's bag was not there anymore. y/n walked towards back to her chair and sitting down, bringing her airpods back out and putting one ear on, as she just awaited for their lunch bell to dismiss them.

 y/n walked towards back to her chair and sitting down, bringing her airpods back out and putting one ear on, as she just awaited for their lunch bell to dismiss them

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