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"did you want to say something? to the camera, i mean

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"did you want to say something? to the camera, i mean..." wu-jin asked her. everyone else had apparently filmed themselves on the camera that they found, saying what they wanted to towards their parents, family or such. seeing as y/n was inside the supply room, she was the only one who hadn't done it.

y/n stared at the camera in wu-jin's hand. then to everyone else. they were all munching on a snack, thankful that y/n had gotten them food. she told them not to eat too much, as they would still have to run and such, which then lead to her telling them about her plan.

they all agreed, however they wanted to wait a bit longer. y/n then held her hand out, in which wu-jin gave her the device. she was sitting on top of a table, wu-jin standing beside her. she then turned the flip-screen to her, then turning the camera on.

"hi ha-ri," she started, wu-jin's heart softening. "i miss you. i know you're not dead and i doubt you will. you're one of the coolest people i know, so you better not die. this whole zombie apocalypse has been so fun! killing zombies left and right, i finally get to use my skills without going to jail or such. it would've been more fun if you were with us though. i can throw my knives and you can shoot your arrows! ooh i can already picture it!"

wu-jin smiled softly at her. he knew about her relationship with her dad, so he didn't think that she would actually take the camera. but when she did, it left him wondering on who she would make the video for.

"anyways, i hope your doing alright. just wanna say thank you for making feel like im part of a family..." she then parted her eyes from the camera, to look at wu-jin. she didn't say anything to him, but just smiled genuinely. they held eye contact for a few seconds, before y/n turned her head back to the camera. "don't expect me to die during this chaos, it's the most fun i've had since forever and i'm not going to die doing so. bye-bye!"

y/n was sitting next to wu-jin on one of the chairs

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y/n was sitting next to wu-jin on one of the chairs. everyone except joon-yeong, wu-jin and joon-yeong were standing up, near nam-ra as she said that she could hear someone puking. "can you not hear it?" nam-ra asked them.

y/n let out a hum, "yeah, i can. it's very faint though."

everyone's eyes then turned towards y/n. cheong-san's eyes were wide, remembering the zombie blood that had gotten in her wound. nobody else inside the room could hear such noises, nobody but those two. and the two had one thing in common, which was zombie blood in them, albeit y/n had only little.

y/n and nam-ra looked at each other, before nam-ra turned her head towards hyo-ryung, asking if she was scared. she then explained that she was breathing the loudest, and then turning head to ji-min, then joon-yeong, and then wu-jin.

as she did so, y/n seemed to have heard the same thing, as the boy beside had silently let out gas, wu-jin startled as nam-ra was looking at him whilst he did so.

"what?" y/n let out a small chortle, causing wu-jin to look at her all panicky and defensive. "what? why're you looking at me and laughing?!"

this only caused y/n to laugh more, leaning back and almost falling off her chair. "she heard you jin~"

his eyes widened. "ehh!!? heard me do what??!!"

as y/n continued laughing, and wu-jin telling her to shut up as he was embarrassed, nam-ra had continued looking at her friends, then to the supply room door. "we should leave now. this place is weird."

y/n's laugh ended with her smiling, then standing up onto her feet. "oh finally! i've been wanting to get some action! we've been stuck in this room for way too long-"

y/n then stopped herself, remembering na-yeon who was still inside the room. she was still unsure about leaving the girl in there, but she wouldn't force her to come with them now if she didn't want to. she probably shouldn't, but she'll just trust her on her decision of coming later tonight.

"we should start making the barrier now." on-jo spoke up, "we can connect the music to the speaker, and once everything's in place, we can start."

and that they did.

everyone had started doing something, ji-min and joon-yeong looking for the cord to connect the camera to the speaker, whilst everyone else started gathering furniture and placing and stacking it around halfway of the room.

as y/n was carrying a couple of chairs on her hand, cheong-san walked up to her. "y/n." he called out, following her as she stacked them to start the barrier off.

"yes cheong-san?" she looked at him, then walking back to grab another chair or so."

"you don't feel... different do you? like your hungry or something?" he asked her worriedly.

she furrowed a brow at him. "i just ate a snack bar cheong-san, i don't think i'm hungry."

"no- as in..." he exhaled slowly, his voice growing quieter. "as in for blood, or flesh..."

y/n stopped, realising what he meant. "oh. you meant if i've wanted to bite one of you, like what nam-ra did earlier?"

he nodded. "yeah... i don't mean that in offense, i'm just worried..."

y/n smiled softly. "no, i haven't received any of those urges. frankly, i feel normal. though, my senses since to have heightened, cause i could hear whatever nam-ra was hearing earlier, and i'm pretty sure that was like two floors down."

"oh." cheong-san thought, "do you think you're a half-bie too?"

she shook her head, before shrugging. "maybe. but the only thing that i've done that says i'm a zombie is the heightened hearing, maybe smell as well. but that's pretty much it. so probably, a quarbie."

cheong-san nodded. "alright, that's good then. kinda." he then looked at her, a soft look on his face. "please tell me if you feel odd in any way, i'll try-"

"i appreaciate the concern cheong-san, but you really don't need to be worried about me." y/n cut him off, giving him a smile. "i can take care of myself, honest."

cheong-san just looked at her weirdly, his face saying 'no-you-can't'.

y/n saw this, "what? i can!"

"you can what?" wu-jin asked, joining in their conversation.

"cheong-san says that i can't take care of myself!" y/n huffed, pointing accusingly at the boy in front of her.

wu-jin blankly looked between the two, stopping at y/n. "he's right. you can't."



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