³⁰commander jin

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it's been a few minutes, and y/n was growing impatient

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it's been a few minutes, and y/n was growing impatient. she stood up from her spot, walking towards the soldier that was looking after the rope that led down to the building, on top of the science lab. 

she tapped the guy on the shoulder, the dude pointing his gun at her instinctively. "what do you want?"

"eo... may i ask what you guys are looking for?" y/n asked, smiling. 

from beneath the mask, y/n could see him furrow his brows. "what? no! go back there and sit down with the others before i shoot you-"

"you people may be low enough to leave students stranded in a school full of zombies, but not to where you would shoot a student." y/n informed him, keeping a blank smile on her face. "or maybe you are... i mean, you did leave us here."

the man widened his eyes. "what- who are you to tell me what to do-?!"

"what's happening up there?" she heard the voice from within the man's earpiece.

"some kid is bugging me for answers, told her i'd shoot her-"

"put your gun down!" she heard another voice exclaim.

"but commander jin-"

"listen to your commander and put the damn gun down." the voice instructed. "you'd die an even worse fate than zombies if you kill her."

the soldier obviously wasn't going to shoot her, that's just to cruel. his plan was to keep pointing the gun at her until she backs off, but if she doesn't, then aim for the floor beside her. that would've surely scared her. at least that's what he thinks. he had lowered the gun annoyingly, changing his sight of direction the ground below.

y/n's smile grew victoriously. she knew that they can't hurt her. even if not all soldiers knew her, the higher ups - ones that are most likely monitoring the soldiers' visions, would. she couldn't tell who the person at the other side of the earpiece was, but by the fact that the soldier before her had addressed him as 'commander', then it must have been jin seon-mu, commander of soldiers here in the wider district of their location. 

y/n hummed. "so, can you tell me, or not?"

the man ignored her, continuing to look down towards the windows. y/n pouted. she then walked behind the man, placing a hand on her shoulder as she leaned down towards his ear. 

"ya~ commander jinnnn, you can hear me, yes?" y/n asked, an open-mouthed smile on her face.

"what are you-"

"y/n. yes. i can."  the man had answered simply.

y/n's smile grew maliciously. "good. mind telling me what you guys are doing here? and how's my father doing?"

"we're retrieving the possible antidote for this outbreak. and your dad is doing fine. he's currently up at headquarters, managing the outbreak from there. so he's safe."

y/n scoffed, muttering lowly as she moved away from the man. "yeah, unlike his daughter..." she shook her head lightly, moving back near the guy's head. "anyways would you care to give me a gun or two? sorta need it."

"huh? your gun privileges were removed, correct? your father had informed me of what had happened the last time you had a gun." the commander declined her, y/n pouting as a result.

"awe, but i need it! and besides, i need a reward for surviving through this chaos without one." y/n exaggerated.

"your father said-"

"i don't care what that old man says," y/n then walked away, waving a hand, "if he doesn't care about me, then why should i?"

like she said, she didn't care. at least not anymore. she was with her friends, and she's having some fun killing these creatures. but what had hurt her was the fact that her father didn't even send a helicopter to find her. it's been what, three days? seventy-two hours, and only one has been sent here, leaving without her.

she didn't mean to sound like a brat, no, she was just hurt by the fact that her own father, her own blood, had not put in any effort to find her. the two didn't have much family here in hyosan, unless you count the small family that lived a couple houses away from her, y/n clarifying them as her relatives. it was a small family, who lived their own lives happily. y/n had managed to strike up a conversation with the dad of that family, who somehow felt bad for her after finding out that she was always by herself.

whenever he or his wife weren't busy, they would invite the girl over for dinner or simply to hang out at their place, or when they were, and y/n wasn't, they would ask if she could take care of their child.

the father worked as a detective at the station in the city here, a good one at that, so he'd also be busy. she wasn't quite sure what the mother had done, seeing as she had seen the father a couple of times due to her being sent to the police station for assault. hopefully they were alright, that they were rescued and had already gotten out to a safe place.

y/n accustomed to calling him her uncle, as he treated her like his own niece. like his own family.

"are you alright?" wu-jin's voice entered her mind space, snapping her out of her thoughts. "what's on your mind?"

y/n turned her head to him and smiled. "yeah, i'm alright. just my dad, and the song family."

"i thought you didn't like your dad?" wu-jin asked, standing beside her as the two rested their elbows on the balcony, looking over the field of zombies.

"i don't." she then jerked her head towards the soldier she walked up to earlier, who was now bringing up the other soldiers. "but i found out that my dad is currently up at seoul, safe and sound, not even trying to know whether his daughter is alive or not."

wu-jin inhaled sharply. he was never one to give the best advices, but he was a good listener, and comforter. the boy carefully brought her in for a hug, making sure that she was comfortable. 

y/n wasn't one to decline hugs. she was a girl who needed affection, despite not even knowing it herself.

so she hugged him back, resting her head on his chest/neck (depending on your height). the two stayed in that position for a few seconds, until wu-jin spoke up. "i think, you shouldn't be focusing on that right now. we're getting rescued, and you can let your anger out to him when we've made it to the safe camp." he then moved his hands to her face, cupping her cheeks as he stared softly into her eyes. "right now, let's be glad and celebrate that we won't have to continue surviving on our own."

y/n took in his statement, eyes connecting to his. she softly muttered, "okay."


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