Episode 1 - a new place... (rewritten)

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"What the fuck are you doing?!"
"stasis Battery backup power critical, releasing subject..."
I fall to the floor feeling cold, weak and wet.
I open my eyes. Ah! My eyes! The burning sensation of the light irritates my eyes. Quickly I close them and rub my eyes. Ack. It feels like i haven't moved in decades... so stiff...

I slowly open my eyes and let my eyes slowly become adjusted to the light. All I see are blurs, one the light and the others I don't know. My eyes become clearer every passing second.

As my eyes get adjusted I see something on the floor. Something orange.

A sticky note. What could a sticky note be doing here?" I proceed to grab the sticky note and read it.

"Human, Come to library plz" it reads. Eh..? Where's the library? Whatever. I discard the note and throw it away.

I put my hands on the table and hold my swirling head. Aye aye aye... what the shit? How did I get here? I only remember... being put inside that tube there by some guy... the rest is lost to me. I need to move. I need to get out of here.

I shake my head and open the door. I walk out and look at my surroundings. Shit. It looks like hell broke loose here. Papers are scattered everywhere, boxes have been tumbled and glass has been broken.

Slowly I progress through the room avoiding the glass. I open the door and walk through a hall. Weird... there's a smudge that travels past the door... it appears to be black... it looks fresh. Now I'm on high alert.

I open the door seeing the smudge progressing past the door. My mind is telling me no but my human curiosity is telling me yes. Shit...


I walk to the next room.


Where the fuck is everyone..? What the hell happened? Did everyone... die?

Was this building arrested? Am I going to be rescued by police? I hope so... electricity is still up so I'm assuming someone is here...

There are two doors. One right and the other in front. Both are glass. The one in front has nothing while the other has more doors. I go for the right, the one that has more doors, also where the smudge is leading.

I open the door and see.
More of the smudge.
Along with a note. It looks fairly aged.

Whatever this note has I hope it has my answers for whatever abandoned hellhole I'm in. I grab it and read.

"Dear whoever finds this. I am taken by our creation and formed into something-"

It is cut off by a black paw mark. Damn. This isn't blues clues! I sigh and drop the note. It leaves me to ponder about what was made of that guy... what happened to him..? It's obvious this was no police raid. Something terrible had gone down in this laboratory and I was put in a pod to whiteness the aftermath.

I follow and it'd eventually lead to a vent. A rather small one at that. Weird...

I see another sticky note. "Down stairs library is" it reads.

Who ever wrote these notes also made the trail... something tells me that something is about to go down at the library that this 'friend' is eager for me to go. Whatever I have nothing to lose... yet...

Let's go meet our little note writer...

I get up and head into the next room.

There's a lot environmental storytelling going on here... seems like the guy that wrote that note on the floor tried to escape by pushing cabinets in front of the doors. Obviously that didn't work, did it?

I hope I don't have to end up like the poor guy. Taken by the thing that made him whatever he is now... must explain why there is nobody to be seen. All I can do is hope that It hasn't made it outside...

I open the door which greets me with a big open space. Offices. Appears to be thrashed around, computers everywhere and-


Downstairs where this presumed library is.

I walk past the cubicles and go down the stairs.

There the trail immediately begins again. The black liquid leading me to my presumed friend. There's no doubt that whatever is leading me to the library is not human.

It's probably the thing that took everyone else and now it's here to take me. Lovely just the thought I needed to brighten me up. I was being sarcastic if you couldn't tell.

But now it's time to find the supposed library on this floor.

I follow the trail which leads me to yet another note. But this time it's not half covered in goop.

"Our little experiment got out of hand. This is a goodbye note for when our creation gets me and then the world. I bid whoever or the creation being smart enough to be reading this farewell. You can turn me anytime you want but I want to see my family again. -dr. Gonstale" it reads.

different handwriting. Poor fucker he wanted to see his family one last time before he went. Guess his wish wasn't fulfilled. Oh well.

I drop the note and continue to follow the trail...

It's been rewritten a second time. This time with a more serious tone. I hope this hooks people to the story.

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