Episode 21 - finally safe once more...

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Oh god damn... I am in so much pain... yet I feel so warm... I slowly open my eyes seeing... jones... hugging me... he feels so warm... but still I am in much pain...

I hug Jones back. Which wakes him up immediately.

"Human..?" Jones speaks. "Hm?" I reply. "You're alive! Human I was so worried!" Jones yells hugging me tighter. "Heh, me too..." I speak sitting up.

There is the hyena. Standing against the railing looking at the city off in the distance.

"Let's go" I speak opening the door behind me. Jones gets off of me and I exit the car.

The cold air greets my partially naked body. I shiver as my foot lands on the cold, wet asphalt. I can see my breath as I exhale, that's how cold it is.

Jones gets out and I close the door, catching the hyenas attention. She quickly turns but immediately relaxes. "Oh it's you" the hyena sighs turning back around once again looking at the city.

I approach "what are you doing?" I ask about to place my hand on the hyenas shoulder. "Nothing, I was just... waiting for you to wake..." she replies.

I retract my hand and lean onto the railing, staring at the city in the distance.

It's beautiful. The clear blue sky with the skyline off in the distance. The tallest building is the one I escaped and blew a hole into it. It's not safe anymore. The city is not safe to go into.

Not at the moment anyways.

The hyena backs away from the railing. "Let's go" the hyena speaks heading into the car.

I too back away from the railing, looking at the city once more before heading into the car with jones.

The hyena starts the car and proceeds to drive off, away from the city... for good...
5 long hours later...

Awhile... we are a good distance away from the city... long car ride. Jones is sleeping with his head on my lap. He looks kinda cute like that...

We talked but I have never asked her name... I'm thinking now, before we enter the next town.

I sigh. "So, I've never asked" I speak looking outside. "Yeah?" The hyena replies focusing on the empty road. "What's your name?" I ask Focusing my attention the the hyena.

"Russell" the hyena replies. So the hyenas name is Russell... got it.

"I see the next town" the hyena known as Russell speaks. "Alright..." I reply looking outside again.
My stomach rumbles. My god. I have not eaten in so long... fuck... "fuck I'm hungry" I speak as I look down at my stomach. I'm paper thin, I'm a twig, the wind could fucking lift me up!
You get the point. I'm skinny.

"We can get some food, you look hungry anyways" Russell replies.

We enter the town. Houses are everywhere and yet, nobody. Nothing. No latex, no nothing except houses and shops.

We stop at a fast food restaurant.

Macias. A burger place. Good.

I tap jones as Russell gets out of the car. He immediately wakes. "H-huh? Where are we?" He tiredly asks rubbing his eyes. "Food jones. We are here to eat" I reply.

He immediately gets up as I get out of the car. When jones also exits I close the door and follow Russell inside.

The place looks... interesting... it looks fairly safe. It also looks pristine! Looks like this place WAS safe when the latex's attacked...

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