Chapter 1. Ep 2 - new friends...

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So this is where the trail leads...
There appears to be no potential danger around which is good for me. it splits into a fork one going left, one going right and one going forward. The trail leads to the left. So I'll go left.

I go to the left and the door opens in front of me automatically. Minding the door I go through to the other side. The door closes behind me.

I'm in a library of sorts. Where the thing told me to go... I go forward cautiously going past the piles of books that are in my way. I look around seeing the empty area with nothing but books and bookshelves. I continue to walk up deeper and deeper into the library...
Everything is silent...
I can't hear the ambient noises that were in the lab before...

Suddenly something leaps onto my back. In response I shake my back violently, knocking off what was on my back onto the floor. 

I back away and turn around to see what's just jumped onto me. It looks like a fox, it's fur is orange with black up it's paws, ears have black tips, the tail has a white tip and the underbelly is also white. So this is the little note writer...

The fox just lies there, looking surprised. Then the fox looks at me. "Oh... did I scare you?" The fox asks... wait...

"Well you just jumped onto my back without me knowing." I reply backing away.

"W-wait human no! I want to help!" The fox yells reaching out its paw.

What the? Alright if you say so... I stand and cross my arms waiting for the fox to make its move.

The fox stands and approaches, amazed at my appearance. At what I am. Guess I'm pretty special... "why so surprised?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"It's just..." the fox is standing in front of me now.

"Human, I've always wanted to see a human in person..." the fox says leaning closer. "You humans looked so different from each other but so cute!" The fox continues to speak.

"You human look so... adorable!" The fox says letting go of my arms and hugging me.

The fox leans up again "I want to get out of here, don't you human?" The fox asks.

"Y-yeah I guess" I respond. "Same human! I have a few friends in a secret room in the vents! I'm sure my friends would like to see you!" The fox explains.

"S-sure..." I reply. "Great then let's go! It's not far from here" the fox says getting off of me. I get up after the fox and follow.
after 13 minutes of walking we come across a vent that is quite big and I'll be able to climb through. "It's right through this vent human!" The fox says taking the cover off of the vent. "Follow me" the fox says going through the vent. I soon crawl through after.

Me and the fox crawl through the vent soon reaching a lit up place. But I hear a voice "oh hey foxy!" I hear the voice speak. But foxy? Really?! Generic ass basic ass name!

"Hey lunar I told you not to call me that! But anyways where are the others?" I hear 'foxy' speak.

"Oh they are looking for humans" I hear this lunar speak.

"I think we can stop our searches because look what I found!" The fox says as if wanting me to crawl through the vents. So I do, I crawl out of the vent into the carpeted room.

This lunar is a anthro black cat with green eyes also pretty generic for a black cat. "Oh my god! A actual human!" The cat yells as I get up. Suddenly the cat pounces onto me hugging me when it lands, i fall to the floor as it pounced on me.

I can hear the cat purring as it's goo spreads a little bit over my body. It feels weird but in a good way...

"Please... get off of me..." I ask. Why does everything here want to hug me or just transfur me... the cat looks up at me with surprise "it can talk?!" Lunar says in surprise.

"Yeah I was surprised too! Amazing isn't it!" The fox says. "But I think you're making him uncomfortable lunar..." the fox says.

Lunar sighs and gets off of me leaving some goo behind. "Ok, I'm sorry human" lunar says going to a beanbag and laying down on it.

I stand up and look around the room, seeing pillows, drawings, beanbags, crayons and goo littered all over the place. "Wow... this place looks... interesting..." I say complementing the place.

"Thanks human! Feel free to sit on the pillows" foxy says pointing to the large pile of pillows.

I approach the pillows as not to possibly piss them off I grab one single pillow and sit down on it. It's nice and soft and there's no goo on it.

Ugh, why do I feel tired..? Is it the fact I haven't eaten in... god knows how long... I feel like a wreck... I don't wanna sleep but I want to at the same time...

"What's wrong human?" Foxy asks noticing my tired look.

"N-nothing..." I say as my stomach growls for food.

"You must be hungry! I think humans have to eat too..." lunar says obviously hearing my stomach...

I grow weaker and my head gets light, Im all just skin and bones. "I'll go get human food!" I hear lunar say hearing very fast movement in the vent.

My vision grows darker and darker... my movement grows weaker. I fall to the soft carpeted ground feeling nauseous. "Oh no human!" I hear foxy say.

I hear him coming over. He lifts me and sets me on something large and soft. I hear movement in the vent.

"I got food! I got a nice apple... that's all that fell from the nearest tree!" Lunar says throwing the apple to me. I obviously don't catch it but I grab it and take a large bite out of it. Then another. Then another.

I ate the entire thing except the core. My vision is still partly black... it's still fading... "I think he's going to live foxy! I'll get more food!" I hear lunar say before going into the vent again.

My vision is still fading. I feel more alive, but I'm still... fading out... I can't fight it anymore...

Feedback is appreciated! See you in part 3!

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