Episode 6 - greenhouse

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"Go left"

I turn left seeing some stairs. "Wow" I say walking closer to the stairs. But as I walk towards the stairs I see rubble! God fucking damn it! The stairs are blocked! "Dude, the fuck. Why the stairs fucking gone" I say pissed off.

"Uh... that... wasn't there before..." nekole says embarrassed. "I am truly sorry human..." nekole apologises. "It's fine..." I groan annoyed. I continue down the hall. I feel very annoyed at the fact I'm taking everything with me. I don't wanna say no in fear these things will transfur me! Are even any windows around here? I haven't seen the light of day in... years or ever? I really need to touch grass... I don't think I touched it before...

I just realised I'm hungry.... Fuck... suddenly my stomach rumbles, begging for food. "Oh my, human are you hungry?" Nekole asks obviously hearing my stomach. "No? I'm not" I say obviously lying. "Oh no! I forgot to give the human food!" Lunar yells realising what she's done. My stomach rumbles yet again at those words. "Come on human I know a cafeteria near here!" Nekole offers. "N-no I'll be fine" I say denying the offer. "No, look at yourself! You are only skin and bones!" Nekole points out. "I'm fi-" I'm interrupted. "No human you are not! I can see your ribs! And I can see your cheek bones!" Nekole points out. I look down at myself, she's right I can see my ribs, yikes...

I continue to walk down the hall, taking a left turn along the hall. The others contine to follow "eat human! Eat!!!" Nekole demands. "Fine" I say finally giving in. "Show me where the cafeteria is" I continue. "It's actually close... head down the hall and you will see the door. I walk down the hall. I see a door frame without the door. Looking inside I see chairs among chairs. In the distance I see a counter with a door leading to the back behind the counter.

I walk to the counter and vault over it. I look behind and see the others standing, looking at me. "Stay" I ask like a owner to his dog. "Ok human!" Foxy replies standing at the counter. Lunar sits down at a table. And the others also sit down.

I sigh and go into the kitchen "why did you tell them to stay?" Nekole asks. "I want to eat in peace..." I answer. "Oh ok" nekole says shutting up now. I go into the kitchen and behind looking for anything to eat. I come across the fridge. God, I hope there's food... I said I was fine before but now i grow desperate. I open the fridge door. Immediately I'm hit with a foul smell. I immediately close the fridge door to not torture myself. "Ew! what the hell was that smell and how long has that food been there for?!" I ask backing away from the fridge. "I... do not know..." nekole replies. "Whatever it was it was fucking horrible!" I say backing away from the fridge even more. I shake my head and turn from the fridge. I continue to search for food going through pots and pans, plates and cabinets.

Suddenly I hear something. It sounds like... liquid?! Is that thing I encountered back?! A white thick gooey liquid seeps from the middle kitchen vent above. The goo forms into a blob, then begins to head towards me! I back away seeing it, I don't wanna get tansfurred again! "Oh no! Run human!" Nekole yells. Of course I don't stand there like a dumbass and run from the white blob. But almost immediately the blob leaps onto my legs. It slowly spreads across my legs, my feet turn into paws and I grow a tail from behind. "Uh guys?! A little help?!" I yell struggling against the blob. Woven bursts through the door almost immediately. Woven gasps and runs towards me. He grabs the goo off of me. The blob sits in his paws trying to escape, suddenly woven pushes the blob into his body, consuming it.

"Holy shit, thank you!" I say looking at woven. "It's not a problem human... don't get yourself in that situation again..." woven requests of me. I stand up and walk out the door. "There's no food..." I announce vaulting over the counter again, woven following behind. "Let's go, I knew this was a waste of time..." I say pissed off. I'm losing hope for any food. Who knows how long since this food has been restocked...

I walk out into the hall and continue down it. I continue searching for any stairs, for any hope that I can progress through this lab... I feel like I'm being watched... I see a security camera on the ceiling. It's following me... but that could be a coincidence considering that those cameras always move left to right constantly.

I yet again turn with the hall. I've almost gone a full circle... I'm losing all hope of finding stairs...  in the distance I see a vine?! Curious I walk towards the vine.

I crouch down and look at the vine. What is a vine doing all the way out here? I look down the vine seeing that it leads to a door. More vines coming out of the door. "Why the hell is there are there vines here?" I ask confused. "I do not know. It wasn't here when I arrived" nekole answers. "Uh huh and how long has it been since you arrived?" I ask. "...years" nekole answers. "Well no shit" I respond. I stand up and follow the vine into yet another hall.

As I proceed into the hall the plants get more and more denser. Occasionally coming across some flowers. As I come across a corner I see... light? A orange glow of light? I peek around the corner. Ah my eyes! My eyes are hit with a flash of light. I retract my head and stop looking at the light. "What is wrong human?" Foxy asks concerned. "Nothing" I reply.

I go and look back out, my arm covering the light this time. The tiles stop, the rest of the floor is grass. Wait, why is there grass in a lab?! Ignoring it, I slowly lower my arm revealing a city scape by the ocean. I see no planes, no life, no anything... only buildings... I approach the window and look down for any moving cars or any pedestrians. There is no pedestrians, nobody walking or driving. There's a few cars a can see all of them abandoned with their doors open... what happened here? Where is everyone?

The sun disappears behind some dense and dark clouds coming from the ocean. Suddenly I see a lightning strike from the distance. A storm might possibly be coming, I don't know considering I can't feel the wind from the inside. Looking at the sky fills me with determination, I want to get out of here.

"Human what are you looking at?" Foxy asks placing a paw on my shoulder. I turn and look at her "nothing, let's go..." I say walking into the next room.

This room has bushes, why does a laboratory have bushes? This doesnt make any sense! I see yet another camera above. It still feel like it's watching me... i walk into bushes feeling that someone is watching me. As I walk, in the corner of my eye I see something yellow. I turn my head seeing... Ah shit! A lion?!

I turn and bolt for the other side of the room. Cause I don't want to get mauled by a mother fucking lion! I try to open the door but it won't open! "Woah, calm down human!" Foxy yells trying to calm me. "How the hell can I calm down when I just saw a mothafukin lion in the bushes?!" I yell panicked trying to open the door again. "Hey, hey... I'm sure you just saw things that weren't there!" Foxy explains patting my back for comfort. I guess she's right I might be seeing things considering I barely ate! All the others rush through the bushes "what happened?" The cat Stella asks. Hold on, she's been with us and hasn't spoken a word?! "Hey Stella, human thought he saw a lion" foxy says laughing a bit. I sigh and press the button. I don't know why it didn't do it before but it opens now... I walk inside with all of my friends following behind...

"Heh! your human friend wasn't seeing things he saw me!"

Episode finished! I thank you all for reading next episode coming soon!

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