Chapter 28 - the attack.

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What's going... on..?

I get out of bed and head for the screen door. I open it and walk onto the balcony, rubbing my eyes.

As my blurry eyes recover I notice... people running..?

I notice those white beasts... running..? Wait shit! They are inside the fucking settlement?!

I run back Inside. "RUSSELL! RUSSELL!" I scream panicked.

She immediately gets out of bed alarmed at my sudden screaming. "What?! What?!" She yells back.

"Outside! White beasts!" I yell with my heart racing.

She tilts her head and heads out onto the balcony. Her ears droop and she immediately runs back inside.

"S-shit... SHIT! Get your friend NOW! We are LEAVING!" Russell points toward the bathroom.

As if on cue the door opens revealing a tired jones. "Wha- what's going on..?" He tiredly asks.

Suddenly the door bursts open.

It's... lucky...

"G-guys you have to leave NOW! White beasts are attacking!" Lucky yells panicked.

"O-okay! We will leave! Everybody to the car!" As I am about to run Russell grabs me by the wrist.

"The car... I lost it trying to find you..." Russell explains looking down at the floor.

"S-shit! What are we going to do now?!" I yell looking around frantically.
"The car park... There's a lot of cars there! It's underneath the hotel! Follow me!" Lucky explains beginning to run.

I immediately follow him. The others follow behind as we take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Soon we arrive at the car park.

It's... almost empty...

"Where are the keys to these cars, lucky?" I ask checking the entry's.

"They're in this booth Cmon!" Lucky runs toward a booth and the car park. He quickly breaks down the door. His ears droop as he checks the key rack.

There's only one key.

A dodge.

"There's no time to lose! We need to get to the car NOW!" I yell grabbing the keys.

In the lot there are almost no cars. But the dodge. A 2010 dodge charger is the only dodge in this lot.

It's can support all of us! We can get out of here!

I run toward the charger and unlock it.

I put the keys into the ignition and turn them.
Uh oh. It won't start!

"It's probably out of fuel! There's some in this room here!" Lucky heads into the room and grabs two canisters of gasoline.

"Pop open her cap I'll refuel her!" Lucky asks.

I pull the lever and open the cap. Lucky pours the fuel into the charger. Jones gets into the back looking around confused.

"W-what's going on..?" He asks tilting his head.

I turn. "Shits going down jones... I need you to stay... calm... please..." I explain.

Jones tilts his head. "Okay..." he replies.

"Come on in Russell! We are leaving soon!" I yell, beckoning her to get into the car.
She doesn't reply. I'm met with droopy ears.

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