Episode 7 - THE greenhouse

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"Heh! your human friend wasn't seeing things he saw me!"

I turn to see a tall buff anthro lion. It's mane, eyes and tip of its tail is red, while it's fur is a extremely bright yellow. "Ah, Lin! I see you back there! How dare you betray your family!" The lion says disappointed. "S-shut up! we aren't even the same species!" Lin yells angrily. "Whatever, say goodbye to your human fri-" I close the door and turn towards the stairs. "Blah, blah, blah... what an asshole" I say walking down the stairs, pushing through the group.

I hear the sudden banging on the door "hey I wasn't finished talking!" I hear the lion yell angrily. "Yeah yeah, come on guys I don't have the time to deal with that guy" I say walking towards the other door. I also press the button on the door and walk through. I also close the door. The lions yelling only become a small faint muffle. The sky gets darker and the clouds near closer. The lights on roof turn on, of course, lighting up the halls. The only visible thing is the lightning which is nearing closer and closer. There are no lights in the buildings there's only darkness outside. Which brings the question, how does this place get electricity?

I hear the door behind us fly off and hit the roof. "Oh shit, come on guys!" I yell running. Instead of going into the next room I go into another hall bombarded with plants. I hide behind the corner at the end of the hall and wait. The others hide completely behind the corner out of view. The banging progressively gets louder... then the other door fly's off again!

"HUMAN! I WILL GET YOU AND I WILL MAKE YOU APART OF MY FAMILY" the lion yells angrily. I hear a loud bang then footsteps fading. I turn to Lin "that was your brother?" I ask. "Yes... That's my brother... or so he claims... We barely know each other... I still remember the first day we met... he got a 15 streak when the breakout happened which explains why he's so large..." Lin explains still kinda pissed off. "Wow. You can tell me about that when we get out of here, first we gotta escape this guy" I whisper. I head down the other hall, not the one with the glass with the view of the city.

As I walk down the hall I see... sea life? I stop to admire the aquatic world, I see all sorts of coral, fish, rocks, sharks, orcas, it's so cool! So beautiful! I watch the sea life swim and mind their own business. Although something catches my eye. In a nearby extremely dark cave I see two glowing dots looking right at me. I look back at the glowing dots making eye contact with whatever is in the cave staring back at me.

"Hey human? Not meaning to be mean but I think we should get going... my so called brother is hunting us down, remember?" Lin reminds me nervously. "Right..." I respond continuing to walk down the hall.

I enter a large room with plants and flowers all over! But there are hedges that possibly make up a maze. "I HEARD THE DOOR OPEN I KNOW YOU ARE THERE!" I hear the lion yell angrily. "Shit... guys silently make your way through this maze I don't want any attention to us..." I say requesting of the group. I slightly crouch and move my feet in a way to make them make no noise on the grass. I proceed to search the maze for an exit of some kind.

As I turn the corner I see the tail of the lion disappear behind a hedge wall. I immediately hide behind the hedge I turned from. "Come out little human! You can become family!" The lion yells. I silently sneak following another path away from the lion. I see a door! I run towards the door and open it by pressing the button next to it.
"I heard that" the lion says.

I quickly go through the door which leads to another hall. The others also enter "DO YOU THINK YOU CAN ESCAPE ME PUNY HUMAN? ILL SHOW YO-" I close the door, cutting the lion out yet again. "Your brother really has anger issues..." I point out to Lin. "Yeah... he's a asshole..." Lin says agreeing with me.


What the hell was that..? I look behind me seeing a dog? A German Shepard?! What the hell is a dog doing here?! The dog approaches with its tail wagging rapidly. I back away remembering what happened with the cat. Suddenly foxy goes in front of the dog "no don't touch the human!" Foxy yells shielding me from the dog. The dog stops, it's tail slows down and sniffs foxy.

"Uh... go away!" Foxy says trying to shoo away the dog. The dog wags its tail rapidly, then jumps onto foxy and begins playfully licking foxy. "Ah! help me!" Foxy yells begging for help. I aid foxy by grabbing the canine by its front legs. I fall to the floor with the dog, grunting in pain when I hit the floor. The dog turns and begins licking my face rapidly. This is it. The end for me. I'm going to be transfured by this dog... I did it to save my friend...

"Human no!" Foxy yells.

I wrap my arms around the dog waiting for the transfur to come...
Hold the fuck up.

This dogs fur... it feels like... hair instead of latex? Is this a real dog?!

Everyone remains silent.

"Human..? This thing isn't transfuring you?" Siper asks curiously, breaking the silence.

I look down at the dog which is now looking at everyone. "No... I don't think so..." I answer reaching out towards the dogs head. I begin petting the dogs head. Yep it feels like real hair, no sticky goo or anything.


The door has a slight dent. I push the dog off gently and run. Run faster than the mother fucking wind! The others start following me, dog included. When I reach the end of the hall the door hurts open revealing the lion at the end! I turn left and continue to run down the hall. I look back seeing the lion staring right at us! But not moving. The lion begins to walk towards us looking extremely pissed off.

I run away deeper into the hall. I turn right with the hall and Run as fast as i can. I look behind but do not see the lion. I look down the other way- what the fuck! The lion, right there!

The lion walks slowly, but picks us the pace going from walking, sprinting and running. "Oh f-fuck!" I yell going backwards I turn around and head for the door in front of me. Leaving the others behind.

The door automatically opens, I run into the room but see a balcony. I'm in a room with a round balcony. There are stairs go down to a deck where there is water surrounding the deck.

I look behind me again seeing the lion run past the door and-

I suddenly get pushed off the balcony.

Everything feels as if I'm going in slow motion as I see the lions grin watching me as I go down.


(Splashing noise)

I don't know how to swim.



I desperately struggle to stay above the water. Splashing water all over the place.

"HUMAN NO!" I hear foxy yell. I tire every passing second as I struggle to stay afloat. "HELP THE HUMAN!" I hear Foxy yell again.

Suddenly I feel my foot being grabbed by something. I feel myself being pulled down into the water below.

My struggles grow more desperate as my whole body is submerged underwater. "HUMANNNNN NOOOOOOO" I hear foxy yet again yell but muffled. Everything is blurry and muffled underwater.

With my need for air becoming greater I gasp for air forgetting about me being underwater. My lungs are filled with water. With my lungs being filled with water and not the regular oxygen I start to black out.
My vision goes dark. And I lose my conscious...

Thanks for reading part 7 I am starting to run out of ideas. I will attempt to keep it going for 2 episodes or so before I end the series.

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