Episode 9 - de woter (part 2)

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I look over the sand hill noticing tonnes of sea life! I see fish, anthro axolotls, anthro orcas, manta rays, even more of those squid canines, all sorts of life! "Oh yes human! My friends! Come I'm sure they will be glad to see you!" Jonah says swimming towards the sea life.

I swim towards the sea life, but something feels off. I look around noticing jones isn't around. I look behind me noticing jones shyly looking over the hill at the sea life. I think something is wrong. I swim over towards jones "what's wrong jones?" I ask. He stays silent for a few seconds "...I-I don't like people..." jones replies nervously.

Hmmm. I have a idea. "Jones, these people will most likely swarm me, when they are all distracted swim by, I'll catch up eventually" I explain my idea to jones. "That... sounds good..!" Jones says accepting the plan. "I don't know how long I'll be but I'll make it quick as possible. I promise" I say touching jones's shoulder reassuringly. "Ok human..." jones agrees.

"Cmon human!" Jonah yells. I see Jonah waving me over. "Remember" I say one more time before heading towards Jonah. Jonah swims along with me towards even closer to the sea life.

"Is that the human?!" I hear someone yell.

Suddenly I'm swarmed by A LOT of sea life. I hear the people complement me saying things... I can't make any words out, it's so loud! The sea life talking about me is so loud! Shit! Fuck! I block my ears in response to all this noise. I don't like this at all, I hate this. I really hate this. No wonder jones didn't want to come over here. Jonah notices my distress "guys stop you are hurting the humans ears!"Jonah yells.

But nobody stops talking. They all just ignore Jonah. I look at my sea scooter. I look how much battery there is on the screen, but I notice something in the top left corner. "Mph" it reads. Hold on? Mph...

I press on the mph. A number appears "5" it reads. A arrow is above this number, and a arrow going down underneath the number. A speed setting? How convenient... but it depends on how fast it can go if I want to get away from these crazed fans... I rapidly press the up arrow, watching as the numbers also went up rapidly.

It stops at 35. 35 miles an hour. That's ridiculously fast for a little sea scooter... weird... I hold on extremely tightly onto the rubber bits at the handles on the sea scooter for maxim grip. The sea scooter shakes violently. I take a deep breath and close my eyes.

I'm ready for this shit.

I open my eyes and press the accelerator.

The fan spins rapidly. And in a split second I accelerate all the way to my top speed. I aim for a small little hole in the crowd which I quickly fly past the crowd. Nobody expects my speed, not even Jonah. But he quickly notices and follows me.

I hide in a cave far away from the crowd. Finally... quiet... peace and quiet... Jonah swims into the cave with me. Shit! Jones! Where is jones... I've gotta find jones...

"I'm sorry human I thought it would go better..." Jonah says apologising. "It's fine..." I say sitting down on the cave floor. "Wait where is jones human?" Jonah asks. "I told him to go to the other side without me, I told him to wait... I think jones has social anxiety... and I think I discovered I have social anxiety too..." I answer.

I peek outside the cave seeing that the coast is clear. But I won't take any chances... "come on jones..." I say lowering the speed to 10 mph. I exit the cave and lay low to the ground. This place is pretty big so it may take awhile at 10 miles an hour...

(Time skip)

It's been 5 or so minutes. There from the other side, I see that big hill I emerged from. Jones must be around here somewhere...

"Psst! Human!" I hear jones whisper. I look around and see Jones's head peeking from a rock. I head over to the rock. "Hey human..." jones greets coming out from behind the rock. "Hi jones!" Jonah greets jones. "Hey jones, should we get going before they find us again?" I ask looking behind me. I don't see anyone coming at the moment, but i think I need to move soon.

They both agree, I turn on the sea scooter yet again and swim deeper into the water. Of course with jones and Jonah following me.

The terrain got more and more curved, more and more darker. It's getting kind of cold...

But it starts to get lighter and lighter. I see lights! I am finally getting out of the water! The lights reveal to be a ring. I go through this ring, I emerge from the water soon after.

This place also has a dock, so I climb onto it and lie down on the wood. The layout of the place is the same as the greenhouse, minus the vines.

Jonah and jones emerge from opposite sides from each other on the dock and stare at me. "Human..? Are you ok?" Jonah asks confused. "I'm fine... I'm just tired..." I answer looking up at the light on the ceiling.

"Thanks guys, I really mean it... but I gotta get out of here..." I say getting up and walking towards the stairs.

"Wait human!" Jonah yells. I look back at Jonah. "Can I come with you..?" Jonah asks reaching out his paw. "Sure" I say accepting the question. I walk to Jonah and grab his paw then pull him up onto the deck. "Thanks human! I will not leave you like your last friends!" Jonah says excitedly, then hugs me. "H-human?" I hear jones nervously call my name behind me. I turn and look at jones. He probably also wants to come along with me.

"C-can I-I come with y-you?" Jones asks very nervously. I knew it! "Alright jones, can come along too" I say approaching jones. I lift him up into the dock, jones hugs me tightly "t-thank you human" jones says almost covering me in his goo. Jones stops the hug revealing that he was blushing. "Let's go..." jones says going behind me.

I nod and head up the stairs, Then going through the door.

End of episode. Wow, two parts! And you read through both of them! Thanks! We are almost in the outside!

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