Episode 20 - escape.

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We run up the stairs heading into the apartment where jones immediately greets us.

Im immediately hugged by jones "I'm so sorry human!" Jones yells.

I hug him back but don't say anything. "OI, this ain't no time to hug! We gotta get outta the city!" The hyena yells checking downstairs. "Cmon jones" I speak holding his hand.

We immediately step down the stairs with the hyena leading as she wields a gun. If we really are leaving the city then I must tell her about the car!

"We have a car!" I yell as we exit into the heavy pouring rain. The hyena turns and looks at me. "Where?" She immediately asks. "Let me lead i know where it is" I reply.

"Great" she then hands me the gun. "Lead the way." She speaks.

Oh god... fine then, I'll lead the way. I grip the gun as we walk through the pouring streets with the water trickling down my back.

All I have to do is trace my way back to the manhole cover where I originally arrived from. The streets are empty. There is nobody in sight... odd...

Except a car. A black 1995 Mitsubishi eclipse. It's has its headlights on and it's just right there.

Me and the other two just stand as this car is right there... right in front of the manhole cover where I want to go.

It revs.

With little wheel spin it starts to approach us at an alarming rate! I attempt to dodge but-



I roll over the car which I fall onto the concrete. I immediately get up and immediately run towards the manhole. I throw it open and immediately begin climbing down with both jones and the hyena following.
15 minutes of tumbling and running there.

There it is. The manhole which brought me to the city. I quickly climb up and burst open the manhole- WOAH! A car zooms over the cover!

I quickly get out seeing that it is an unidentifiable suv.

And by the curb I see it. My beauty. The alfa Romero. I run to it and open the drivers side. "NO ILL DRIVE" the hyena yells, pushing me aside.

Alright then...

I open the back door and hop inside along with jones.

She starts the car and immediately drives which closes the doors. I immediately adjust myself as the hyena drives aggressively.

Oh fuck oh shit... I look at jones seeing him... he looks terrified... we will be alright... I have to assure this to him...

Without warning I hug Jones which takes him by surprise. When he realises what's happening he immediately hugs me back.

"Alright, stop the fucking hugging we got company!" The hyena yells.

We take a sharp left, going into a highway. I stop hugging jones as I roll down the window.

I cock the gun and point it outside and shoot at the cars as my hair flails in the wind.

One of them manages to slip by and rear end us! "This car is fucking slow! Shoot at them!" They hyena yells dodging the abandoned cars.

I poke my head outside the window and pull the gun out shooting at the vehicles chasing us as the heavy rainfall pours down.



One of the cars crash, creating a pile up for the ones in the back. Fantastic that's a lot of them off our backs-

Click! Click! Click!


"IM OUT!" I scream as I retreat inside. "OF?" The hyena yells back. "AMMO" I yell back. "MY VEST, THERES AMMO IN IT" the hyena yells.

She immediately takes the jacket off revealing her vest with the clips on it.

I grab the mag and... wait how do I? Oh... I eject the magazine and put the other one in and cock the gun.

I peek my head outside along with the gun. Shooting at them seems futile... what if I shoot the tires..?

Thinking of this i proceed to point down at the tires of the car behind us. Then I shoot.




The car turns right into a barrier! But doesn't knock anyone else out... but it works...

"Uh guys!" The hyena yells. I retreat back into the car. "Heavy traffic ahead! We gotta turn!" The hyena yells. "GOT IT!" I yell back.

Suddenly the car turns into another highway but bigger! This one feels longer... straighter... perfect!

I lean my body out once more and-


That... was not... my shot... my arm feels weak... my body feels... weird...

I go back into the car and look down at my... body...

My heart sinks.

There is a bullet wound... on my left shoulder...

No... I have to let them know... "I've... I've... IVE BEEN HIT!" I yell as I put my other arm on my bullet hole to prevent bleeding.

The hyena hits the wheel as she continues to drive.

We get off at an exit as the city gets more and more far away. Well, this is what I wanted... out of the city... now I'm getting my wish. What I wanted. And I'm doing it with-

I cough.

This hurts. It hurts.

Jones comes to my aid and holds the other side to prevent more blood loss. Oh god...

Oh god... oh god... I want to get out of this alive. Alive... I lean back into the chair against jones paw.

I'm losing blood...

I turn towards jones as he stares at me with concern. I can almost see tears in his eyes...

I place my hand on his face as we both stare into each others eyes...
It feels like forever continuing to stare into each others eyes.



I snap out of it and realise we aren't moving. What happened? Did we escape? Did the car break down?

"Human? Hello?"

I focus my attention towards the hyena as she too looks at me with concern. "What?" I ask.

"You are hurt! Show me what we are dealing with"

I remove my hand, showing her the bullet wound.

She gasps. Immediately she gets out of the car and takes off the vest and jacket. She takes off her white shirt and makes way to the back. The hyena opens the door and leans inside.

"Back away I got this" the hyena speaks gently pushing away jones as she wraps the shirt around my wound.

The rain continues to piss down on us, I'm wounded and I can't catch a break. I just should've stayed at the hyenas house... I should've stayed with foxy... the others... I've only been here a few days and yet I've experienced so much...

I feel tired... I slowly close my eyes as the hyena closes the door and gets back into the drivers seat.

"Will the human be ok?" Jones asks extremely concerned.

"I don't know, dog squid thingy, I don't know..." she replies.

"O-ok..." jones replies.

I feel jones lay down onto me and also fall asleep... as he hugs me and I embrace it... ridding me of all the pain that I had before...

Wow, thanks for reading yet again! See you in the next episode! Holy shit 20 episodes! I'm so... I don't know... just wooooooo 20 episodes! Wow... over the year... yayyyyyyy yipppieeeeeereeeerdhhdjdjrjr

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