Chapter 25 - mission and discovery.

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Down the hall is the chiefs office.

Walking down the hall I peak around the open door.

The chief is there. His back turned looking outside at the dead buildings.

I walk inside as the chief turns his body toward us.

"Take a seat you three" he speaks sitting on the chair.

As requested I sit down onto the middle chair. Jones sits on my left and Russell sits to my right.

The chief clears his throat.

"Yesterday I said I had the power to let you all stay..." the chief puts his hands together. "We are needing to expand as more... outsiders... are coming here..." the chief explains staring at me.

"I'll cut to the chase. We plan on building more houses more into the city... but we can't do that if the white beasts are present" the chief continues.

"I want you to get rid of some of the white beasts that plague this city" the chief reaches into his drawer looking for something.

He pulls out a backpack.

"What you need is in the backpack, including a map to get there" he speaks.

"I wish you three good luck" the chief speaks Turing around in his chair.

Russell stands, grabs the bag and walks out the room. I follow along with jones. Through the hall she gives the bag to me which I put on my back.

Exiting the building I open the bag and pull out the map.

"Lemme see that" Russell snatches the map off of me and opens it. "Huh... the route starts from the tunnel... I know where that is..." Russell changes direction.

I follow as she knows what she's doing... probably...

I get weird looks on the way. Anthros staring at me as I walk. And walk...

And walk...
"We're here" Russell speaks standing in front of a plant covered pallet. She prys the pallet off the wall revealing a hole.

Russell crouches under the hole and walks into it.

I follow and so does jones.

An old room. Dust and plants have taken over this place.

Russell lifts a wooden platform revealing another hole leading into the sewer.

She jumps down onto the wet floor making a small splash.

I too jump down and jones does too.

We all walk through the tunnel. I stay silent as jones and Russell start a conversation I don't even listen to.

I look at my arm. I'm still infected. I'm going to turn if I don't act... I feel it has gotten bigger...

Touching the area I notice the spot is squishy.

My heart beats heavily once more.

I'm scared. I don't want to turn into one of them... the white beasts...

On the walls of the sewer I notice white splotches of goo scattered about. We are near. I can feel it.

"Halt" Russell lifts up her hand.

"Weapons in bag now" she asks.

Putting the back on the floor and opening it I notice 3 containers. Attached to them is a knife doused in an odd liquid.

I pull out one and give it to Russell. I put one next to me and then give one to jones.

Jones looks at the knife and notices something to make him drop the container.

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