Episode 16 - the beach episode!

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Well god damn!

Axolotls, otters, orcas and other sea life play with the beach balls that were oddly scattered around the place. Big Jonah floats across the water, relaxing as if he hasn't being locked up in there for a while.

I look back at jones. He still looks scared... I better go check up on him... I approach jones and climb up the the railing. "Jones, are you ok?" I ask concerned. "I... didn't know that Jonah was the... A-Alpha..." jones says still looking at Jonah. "What's... bad about that?" I ask confused. "It's... nothing..." jones replies.

I nod and jump down onto the warm sand. "Come on down! Let's relax!" I yell. "Ok human!" Jones yells back.

Jones jumps down and fails to land and eats the sand. "Ah crap! Are you ok?" I ask concerned. Jones gets up and immediately hugs me. "That hurt..." jones says. He Immediately breaks the hug "but I'm fine!" He says. "Alright jones, let's walk!" I say holding my hand out, wanting him to grab it. As expected he grabs my hand and we begin strolling through the beach like a happy couple!

"You know, this is great! I'm really glad we met jones! We have come such a long way!" I say happily. "Awww human! You didn't have to say that!" Jones says leaning in closer to me. "Heh, but I did!" I say looking up at the blue sky.
"Hey wait!" I hear a unfamiliar voice yell.

I turn seeing a gooey otter. It stops in front of us and stares at me amazed. "Uh... can I help you..?" I ask confused. "I just wanted to thank you for setting us free!" The otter thanks respectfully kneeling before me. "Your welcome... I'm pretty busy hanging out with a friend of mine could you please... go..?" I ask. "Oh! Alright ok!" The otter says before running off.

I watch as the otter runs off before turning the other way. "Well then let's walk!" I say tugging jones arm. "Yeah! Let's go!" Jones replies.

We continue to walk.

The hot sun shines down over us, it's making me feel hot... I'm starting to get a layer of sweat across my body... I look over at the water and get a idea. "Jones... considering almost nobody is here... care to sit in the water with me?" I ask looking at jones. "I'd love too!" Jones replies.

Immediately we change direction towards the water. I step into the shallow water. It's pretty nice! I continue to walk until the water is up to my waist. I stop and sink the rest of my body into the water.

It's better.

I relax and float on the water as Jones swims around and explores the sea. I close my eyes and think about what I'm going to do.
A ton of time has passed.

I'm not on the water floating. I sit on the warm sand as the sky turns a warm orange colour.

Jones still plays and explores the ocean as I wait.

Suddenly I see something large and white in the corner of my eye. Jonah!

I look in the direction seeing that Jonah is coming towards me. "Hi human!" Jonah yells washing up onto shore.

"So human, I've decided on something..." Jonah says looking down at the sand sad.

"I've... made a decision... I want to go..." Jonah explains.

"You... do?" I reply standing up.

Jonah nods slowly.

My heart sinks. "You can't just... why?" I ask staring into his black eyes.

"I just want to explore the ocean... make friends... I'm sorry, human..." Jonah looks down in sadness.

I too look down. Then back up. I walk towards Jonah and proceed to hug him... he hugs me back with his big arms.
I hear voices all around.

I stop the hug and look around. The sea life the people I freed. They are watching us hug?!

I step back away from Jonah and look down embarrassed. "It's time for me to go human..." I hear Jonah speak. I turn.

I watch him go into the water with the rest of the sea life. Jonah stares at me as he floats away from shore.

Jones comes out of nowhere and stands next to me, also starting at jonah.
Goodbye Jonah... thanks for everything... friend...

His head descends into the water below.

I continue to stare and stare...

And stare...

And stare...

I blink.

I turn and proceed to walk to the car with Jones following me. "Are you ok..?" Jones asks putting a paw on my shoulder.

I sigh. "I'm fine..." I reply.

I hope the car is alright...

There it is...

The car.

I unlock the car and get in. Jones gets into the back seat and looks outside.

I close the door and remain still. I grip the wheel softy and rest my head against it.
"Are you... ok? Human?" Jones asks concerned. "I'm fine." I reply.

I grab the wheel and turn the car on.

It works. After all that water it still works by some miracle!

I grip the wheel tightly as I start to drive.

Drive and drive to find a way out...

Night falls and my headlights turn on.
What the..?


No... it can't be...


Aye aye aye... I've been dead for a bit but I'm back! I hope you enjoyed this! But I'm going to upload more episodes at my own pace! See you and good luck!

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