Episode 17 - its them...

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It's... them...

A black humanoid cat.

A humanoid fox.

A black and green humanoid wolf.

Oh shit... perfect match... few are missing though...

The group stares at me and i stare back as the light illuminates them.

It's them... the ones who abandoned me...

"Stay" I speak to jones as I get out of the car. I stand behind the open door and keep one leg inside in the vehicle.

"We meet again, eh?" I yell swinging one arm up. Foxy appears to be excited by my sudden appearance.

"Left me for dead! To drown!" I yell.

Foxy's ears flatten and they stare at me with guilt.

I stare back with anger. "Human..." woven speaks taking a step forward. I stare at woven. "What do you want?" I speak back.

"We... we are sorry..." woven says stepping closer once more. "Sorry? S O R R Y ? We agreed to get out of here together!" I yell.

"Give me ONE good reason not to drive off!" I yell crossing my arms.

My eyes start to water. I lost everyone but Jones. Jones...

I look back at jones seeing him confused.

"Please... don't go..." I hear foxy speak. I look at foxy seeing... him... the first creature I met that could speak. The one that left the note for me at the pod.

My vision gets watery and I blink.

Two tears roll down my face as I close the car door. I slowly approach as guilt fills my body. I regret yelling at them.

"S-shit..." I say quietly, rubbing my tears.

"Im sorry..." I speak as near. Foxy also walks over to me.

Foxy turns into an orange blur as my eyes get watery again. I blink once more and tears roll down my face.

Suddenly foxy hugs me. I hug him back as we both embrace each other...

His body feels warm... it feels nice... like a blanket from this cold night air.

The rest of the gang gathers around. I stop hugging foxy and stare into his eyes. His amber eyes... "I- I forgive you all..." I speak. I turn and begin to walk back to the car.

"Wait!" Foxy yells.

I turn. I stare at foxy, listening to what he has to say. "Don't you want to... come with us?" Foxy offers holding out a paw.

I look back at the car and then at the paw. "Where?" I ask.

"Well it's kinda hard to explain... but there's a place where there's a lot of people like us! Latex animals!" Foxy explains.

I look back at the car and then back at foxy. "Alright, I'll come but someone else has to come as well" I say looking at the car.

"Sure! I don't mind!" Foxy replies.

I walk to the car and see jones confused. I open the door. Jones gets out and is confused as hell.

"Jones these are friends!" I speak touching his shoulder. "U-uh... h-hello!" Jones greets shyly.

Foxy approaches "hi! What's your name?" Foxy greets. "J-jones..." jones replies. "Hello jones my name is foxy!" Foxy greets.

Jones looks down at the ground shyly. "Anyways shall we get going?" Foxy asks. "Sure?" I reply.

Foxy begins walking and we both follow while the rest follow behind us.

Foxy... is acting weird... too friendly...

20 minutes later...

"Ah ha! Here we go!" Foxy stops at a manhole cover. Foxy proceeds to lift up the cover and sets it aside.

Foxy jumps down. So does the rest of the gang. Except jones.

I look down. It's dark... I have an option to abandon them... no, no, I won't do that.

I climb down the ladder as jones follows.

Suddenly I see light.

At the end of the ladder I see it.

It's... interesting... there's no water to be seen... weird... the sewers are lit by some probably very old lights which give off a greenish yellow tint to the sewer.

I continue to follow.

I feel like things are watching me... oh god...

Eh... sorry for the short episode... I promise to make the next one twice as long!

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