Chapter 1. Ep 3 - more friends

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"Is... it dead?"
"No it's obvious it's still breathing"
I hear people... These voices, I don't recognise...

I slowly open my eyes, seeing a whole variety of blurry Colours. "Hey look it's awake!" I hear a voice yell.

Suddenly all of the colours surround me. I rub my eyes and my vision immediately clears up. I see a black wolf with a green underbelly, green eyes and green inside of its ears.

Next we have a tiger. It's just plain white with black stripes.... Boring... next to the tiger there's another cat. It's just a calico cat... boring... next to the cat is lunar and foxy... there's 5 of ''em and they are all looking at me... "uh...h-hi?" I say shyly. "Human, these are my friends! The cat is 'Stella' and the tiger is 'Lin'! Also, the wolf is 'Woven'!" Foxy explains.

"Nice..." I say. What's up with these generic ass names? Foxy? Lunar? Seriously?!

The wolf also known as woven reaches out towards me and begins to pat my head... "cute human!" Woven says as he pets me. I hate to admit but I kinda like it...

Suddenly the cat known as Stella also joins in on patting my head... for some reason I tolerate this... suddenly all of them reach for my head! I feel like a dog surrounded by a bunch of toddlers. My hair is getting messed up all around their paws. "Stop" I say.

But they don't stop. "Stop!" I say a little louder. I gently knock their hands away from my hair. They all retract their hands. "I'm sorry..." the tiger known as lin says quietly, rubbing his paw where I hit.

I sigh. "Can you all give me some space? You are all so close to me" I ask. All of them move back and sit on some pillows, still looking at me. I stand up and move to the vent opening. "Hey wait what are you doing?" Foxy asks standing up and stopping me.

"I want to get out of this place" I say crouching down. "Wait no! it's dangerous out there!" Foxy says putting a paw on my shoulder. "I gotta get outta here... there's gonna be more danger if I stay here!" I say kneeling down to crawl through the vent. "But... I want you to stay... I want to pro-" foxy is cut off. "No. My decision is final" I say crawling through the vent.

Foxy remains silent as I crawl through the vent... I take a left turn and see the light of the hall. I go towards it and punch the vent open. Ow... my hand. I shake my hand to somehow numb the pain. I go through the vent and stand up in the hall.

I walk a few feet down the hall. I pause and look at the vent... I really shouldn't leave them... should I? No... I should... I'll attract unwanted attention... I continue down the hall...

Huh? I look back seeing foxy and his friends behind him.

"If you are going then we are too!" Foxy says coming closer. He comes and touches my shoulder. "Can we?" Foxy asks. "Uh...sure..." I answer.

Foxy's ears perk up and his tail wags. Foxy hugs me and immediately stops "come on guys!" Foxy yells waving all four of them over. They all come running towards us, they don't say anything. They silently stop in front of us. "Right, let's go..." I say yet again continuing down the hall...

Thanks for reading this far! Sorry this is short, See you in part 4!

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