Episode 22 - friends... wait somethings wrong...

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I follow Russell and enter the household.

Immediately I'm greeted by a goo snow leopard. "Hello human!" He greets standing in front of me. He sounds like he's in his 40s or something...

"Uh. Hello?" I reply taking a step back. "We are delighted to have you three! You must be tired we have a guest bedroom set up for you!" The snow leopard speaks point towards an open door.

The hyena immediately walks over to the door and goes inside. I just stay. "You both aren't tired?" The snow leopard asks. "Ah... nah" I reply.

"O-oh! A-alright! Well... feel free to sleep anytime!" The snow leopard says with a sligh hint of nervousness. I don't blame him, I'd be flabbergasted if I saw a human too.

"Have they gone to bed-" I hear a female voice ask. I look behind the leopard seeing... a calico cat.

Just like... Stella...

Stella... Stella was the calico cat I saw she had a flower on her ear if I remember correctly...

"Oh! Hello!" The calico greets coming towards us. She sounds old... like the snow leopard. Ah, a couple! How adorable!

I don't wave. "Let's talk human! I've been wanting... to... uh... Talk!" The snow leopard says. Beckoning me over.

Uh. Alright.

I follow him into the living room as he sits on a chair. I sit on the couch next to him along with jones.

"So!" He claps his hands together. "Tell me about yourself human!" The snow leopard asks. "Pftttt, I only woke up a few days ago! I don't have anything to say!" I reply. "Then tell me about your journey!" He asks.

Well he will be here long...
I tell him about what happened till this point. Which takes 40 minutes to explain.

"And now I'm sat here taking to you now" I speak finishing up. "So I see... that must explain the bandage around your shoulder..." the snow leopard points out the shirt around my shoulder.

I nod. "It still hurts" I speak looking at the blood stained shirt.

"W-well..." the snow leopard looks embarrassed. "We have been wanting a... f-family..." I raise an eyebrow. The calico cat enters the room, hearing the conversation.

"Not now, not the time" the calico cat speaks leaning on the wall. "You're right... it's dumb..." the snow leopard gets up and heads towards the kitchen.

My heart picks up pace as I can feel something wrong.

Somethings wrong I can feel it...

Feel it in my bones... my gut has a bad feeling. I too have a bad feeling.

I stand. "This getting weird..." I speak as jones stands with me "yeah..." he too speaks.

"Ah! Human why not come into our room! You look cold in those clothes!" The calico points out.

Yeah, I may be cold but that's pretty weird... "you- uh- what? huh? Haahahsnsmssks nevermind.... I'll go with you" I reply.

Jones looks at me like I just said something stupid he then shakes his head and just goes with it.

I follow the calico into a spacious room that looks rather nice! But my gut feeling has gotten worse. Oh god I don't like this...

The snow leopard walks into the room. My heart is racing.

The calico opens the closet "now what do we have here... ah ha!" The calico grabs a jacket.

"Stand up for me dear" the calico asks holding the jacket.

I reluctantly stand and turn towards the calico cat. She looks behind me as she licks her lips.


Suddenly I'm knocked to the floor!

Shit! I attempt to struggle but I'm pinned by the snow leopard. Suddenly the calico pulls a water gun out. It's full of water... she points it at jones. "DONT YOU FUCKING TOUCH MY HUSBAND!" The calico yells aiming the water gun at jones.

Jones doesn't listen and attempts the push the snow leopard off me!

She fires the water gun which lands on jones. "AHHHH IT BURNS!" Jones screams standing back.

"JONE NO!" I struggle even harder trying to push the snow leopard off. But it's futile. "I may have not made myself clear... JONES" the calico approaches jones as he corners himself. "What's in the water gun is a little chemical that could KILL YOU" the calico points the gun at jones. Jones immediately cowers and begins to cry.

It hurts me so much to see him crying... him so scared... so hurt...

"HAHA! Well I guess that's your friend taken care of! Now onto you!" The calico cat kneels down looking at me. "You are going to make a good snow leopard!" The calico pats my head. "But that's in a couple days! Hope you look forward to it!" The calico speaks.

The calico pats the snow leopard twice indicating for him to get off.

I get up and immediately charge. The calico points the water gun at jones which makes me stop. "Nuh uh!" The calico says.

"Take him to the basement" the calico speaks. The snow leopard grips my arm and takes me to the basement.

He opens the door and kicks me-


I fall to the bottom of the stairs, hurt. Extremely hurt. I pant in pain as I watch jones also enter the basement.

He hurries to check if I'm ok. "H-human! Are you ok?" Jones asks. I sit up as my whole body yet again hurts. "I-I'm fine" I reply.

Jones hugs me and I hug him too.

I look up at the light seeing the calico. "Well! See ya" the calico closes the door.


The door closes, putting us in darkness...



This concludes this episode.

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