Chapter 27 - found.

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"We will find you..."

What the..? Who said that-

I Notice the soft purrs of a feline behind me.

Is... Tenshi laying next to me..?

I look behind me, confirming my suspicions. Tenshi is behind me and sleeping.

I must've dozed off...

What time is it..?

I look outside seeing it's still night.

Suddenly my stomach begs for food. Christ, it HAS been awhile since I last ate...

I think Tenshi is keeping food around here... I am really fucking hungry...

I get out of bed which Tenshi doesn't wake up or anything. Must be a heavy sleeper or I'm just really quiet.

I get up and stretch. I head outside and search the area.
I think if found it.

There, a freezer lies in front of me.

A big one.

I approach the freezer and open the door...

Frozen... treats..?

They all look delicious... I take an ice cream sandwich and close the door.

I undo the wrapper and eat it.

Its cold, creamy Center melts upon my tongue. It caresses my taste buds in a fine sugar. I can't believe this... tastes so good!

Even after years of most likely being in the freezer! I scoff the rest down as I leave the room.

So... good...
I decide I'm not going back to sleep just yet...

I sit on the curb of the street looking at the night sky.

I wonder where my friends are now..?


I HAVE to find him!

I NEED to...

Driving slowly across the road I look at my fuel.

Almost empty...


I have to abandon the car...

I put the vehicle to a slow steady stop.

I sigh and get out of the car.

Goodbye... only car ever...

I walk into an alley looking all depressed. I want to find human... I want him alive... I want to see him...

I walk into another alley.

Then another.

Then another.

Then another.

Suddenly I stumble on some garbage. The garbage creating a really loud noise.

I heard something.
I look at the direction of the noise seeing a shadowy figure.

I stand and back away, my heart racing as I bump into a parked car behind me.

Hoping the figure hasn't seen me, I hide behind the car and just wait.

The figure steps forward into the moonlight revealing...

I can't let her see me. Not after what happened...

She begins walking toward the motel. "I saw you human! Reveal yourself!" She yells.

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