Episode 13 - ah, air thar is fresh.

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I'm happy to be out of that dumbass dump. That wack German Shepard gave me a car and such.

Who knows, this car might be fitted with a tracking device or a bomb!

Or maybe I'm just over exaggerating...

But I do not really trust this car... I've gotta swap it out with something within the city.

The sky slowly dims Turing into night time.

My headlights turn on automatically lighting the area in front of me. "So human... where exactly are we going?" Jonah asks looking out the window.

"I don't know... wherever the road takes us" I respond.

I'd best fuel up before I leave the city...

The buildings get shorter and shorter as I progress through the outskirts of the city...

Ah ha! A gas station! It has a red and blue "A"along with a red and blue colour scheme.

I pull beside one of the gas station pumps.

I turn off the Car and hop out. I grab the hose thingy and look for the fuel hole thingy. Ah ha! There it is!

I forcefully open the fuel cap, possibly breaking it.

I pull the trigger but no fuel is being pumped out... No power... Shit... there must be a generator somewhere...

I open the back door of the car "hey I am going into the place anyone wanna come?" I ask. "Yes human! I want to come with you!" Jones responds grabbing my hand.

Jones gets out of the car and proceeds to hug my arm. Jonah gets out of the car too. "Alright, let's go" I say proceeding into the gas station.

Alright there's gotta be a basement...

I head behind the counter and go into the backdoor.

There, is a dark, dark stairs that leads into darkness... Menacing...

Shit... is this really worth it..? It's pretty scary... but I need this fuel! I need to be able to travel!

I confidently walk down the dark stairs.

I slowly move forward not being able to see. I navigate through the darkness putting my hands out In front of me.

My eyes slowly but surely get adjusted to the darkness. Giving me some visibility-

Oh shit.

I saw something move in the darkness! Oh no! Oh shit!

It could just be my mind though... It could've just been my mind-

Oh fuck! I saw it again!

Suddenly I bump into something metallic and hard. Must be the generator.

I move my hand around for a Button, lever anything. Ah! Found it! A button!

I press the button.

The generator sounds like a old tractor starting but it will do for awhile.

The lights slowly flicker on, lighting up the basement.

But I notice something. Something dark and black in the corner of my eye. I look left noticing a black figure in the shadows with red glowing eyes staring at me within the darkness.

Oh shit, I'm going to do something very stupid... "uh hello!" I yell waving at the figure.

It doesn't respond.

I look at the figure awkwardly. "Hello?" I yell again at the figure.

"Hello... whatever you are..." I hear a very deep voice speak. Oh god, sound a bit menacing... but I'm sure he's friendly-

"I really want you and your two friends to leave... please... I just want to be left alone..." the voice speaks. "O-ok we'll go! Sorry for bothering you..!" I say leaving up the stairs.

I hope to god that there is fuel... that would suck pretty hard for us...

I leave out the front door and approach the car. With Jonah and jones following me. I grab the pump and begin fuelling up the car.

I look at one of the buildings as I begin to zone out.

The sound of liquid splashing makes me regain conscious, I immediately stop pumping. I put the thingy back in its holster and go back into the car.

I twist the keys in order to turn it on.

The headlights automatically turn on. Considering it is dark.

I look out the window watching as the sky turns dark...
"Human?" Jonah suddenly says.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Are you ok?" Jonah asks.

"Yes, I'm fine, let's get going" I reply.

I put my foot down on the gas and turn out of the station, continuing down the road...

I hope that I will be able to find another person like me... if not... then I don't know...

I just hope...

Ep end.

Well, I've been dead for awhile haven't i? About 4-3 months? Well I don't have anything to say right now... so uh, see you next episode!

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