Episode 10 - danger.

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I walk out the door with Jonah and jones out into a hallway. Jones holds my hand as we walk down the hall together. He's getting real close to me...

I notice a thick red line on the wall. Weird, I wonder what this could lead to? I follow the line. But it ends at a sign printed on the wall. "Floor 20" it reads. Oh wow. I'm close to the exit! Only 19 more floors after this one!

I walk around excitedly in order to find some stairs.

Suddenly I hear static. I quickly look at the source seeing a tv. Shit, that scared the fuck outta me! But I see... a head? A head with animal ears?

"Wait stop right there subject 001 where do you think you are going!" It speaks in a distorted voice. "Uh... who are you..?" I ask standing back. "I am none of your concern. It's dangerous to go any farther" the voice speaks. "No" I say walking away. I suddenly hear speakers. "No don't go! Please, I'm only trying to keep you safe!" The voice says desperately trying to stop me. "No" I reply.

"Please you are the last of your kind! I can't lose you! You are valuable!" The voice says. I grunt annoyed. "N-O" I say walking faster. I see some stairs so that's good... I can probably escape this guy...

I go down the stairs as far as possible, but quickly stopped by some collapsed stairs. I sigh annoyed. I just want to get outta here... but the voice seemed to have stopped! So that's good!

Floor 16

I head into yet another hall. I continue to walk around, looking for the stairs. "Please! I beg you can leave!" The voice says again. God ducking damn it... wait... I hear sounds... chemical lab sounds... What the hell..?

"Guys remain quiet I think I hear something" I say putting my back on the wall. I proceed to slide myself against the wall. When the sounds got very loud I peeked through some glass.

Oh. My. God. I see weird lab stuff! But there's a guy? They are wearing a lab coat with a hoodie on covering everything. Except a tail. A white tail with a black tip, it also has black paws and is really tall. "Subject 001 this is your final warning" The voice speaks almost sounding like they're about to give up. The tall figure suddenly turns around revealing they are wearing a gas mask. It's a she, with female features I won't say.

Oh fuck! She's gonna get my ass and do who knows what! "Guys we need to run!" I yell sprinting past the glass. The female notices us running and begins to peruse us. Why? I don't know...

She's fast, like really fast. Somehow I'll need to loser her which seems impossible... along with jones and Jonah being slow being aquatic animals after all...

To my luck I see a open door, I immediately go in pulling jones and Jonah in with me. I press a red button which closes the door. The door clicks indicating it has locked.

We all fall onto the floor due to our weight on top of me...


We land onto the floor but it feels... soft? I look down noticing that we are on a pillow? Actually, looking around the whole place is littered with pillows... but I notice something in a large pile of pillows. A tail.

It's seems like a... tail? Oh god it is! it's grey with white at the bottom. I best get outta here... but the weird tall female coming to get me is outside!

The girl bangs on the door violently. "Damn it he got away" the speaker says.

I sigh quiet a sigh of relief. But the damn person is still banging on the wall!

Suddenly the pillow pile moves just a tiny bit. I hear the groans of something tired within the pillows. From the pillows emerge a snow leopard. Me, Jonah and jones stare as it yawns and rubs its eyes. The snow leopard tiredly opens its eyes, it jumps in surprise and it's eyes widen in shock. The snow leopard rubs its eyes again but it realises I'm still here.

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